Part 8

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I spent all day writing this chapter. I hope it turns out good.

At first, I was going to do a different plot, but I feel bad for the characters to make them suffer more.

I am tired right now I spend the entire day studying and writing this chapter.







Jungkook was sitting alone in the sand, the sea wave was his companion, sharing with it his problem and guilt.

His life has lost its color, the moment he leaves Jimin's apartment. he thought the pain of being cheated on was excruciating, but the pain of using and losing his best friend was so much worse.

The sorrow he felt was utterly unbearable.

At that moment, he realized he had never loved Lisa, she was a replacement, a mere distraction from the man he truly wanted to move on from, but instead, he ended up using and hurting him.

He wanted to move on from Lisa, but the truth struck him hard: he had never loved her. His drunken self had known him better, recognizing that the person etched in his heart was always his best friend.

He felt like a fool, an idiot, for denying his own true feelings. His blindness to his own emotions led him to hurt the most important person in his life.

Even if Jimin said he wanted it, Jungkook knew him too well to believe his lies.

The days went by faster, and Jungkook didn't even know which day he was in anymore.

The sea waves kept running, chasing each other in a never-ending dance. What took him out of his endless train of thought was the sound of a dog barking. He turned around to see a cute little dog running toward him.

Jungkook started to caress and tickle its ears, finding comfort in the simple joy the dog brought him.

"You know, people say animals can detect if someone is in pain," An unknown voice came from the direction of the dog, the person holding a rope, presumably for the dog.

"Maybe they're right," Jungkook replied, still playing with the tiny creature.

"They also say if you share your burden with a stranger, your problems will be solved," the stranger said, taking a seat near Jungkook.

"I don't think it's true; your problems won't just vanish if you voice them out," Jungkook argued.

"Why don't you try it and see for yourself?"

Jungkook stayed silent, holding the dog close to his heart, hoping it could take away some of his pain.

A long, pregnant silence enveloped them, the sound of the beach and the fresh wind were their only companions.

"I hurt the person I love without even knowing how much I care about him. I was a fool, blind to my own feelings. My ex-girlfriend cheated on me, I thought I loved her. I used my best friend to move on from her, but the pain I got in return was too much to bear," tears started to fight their way out, the pain overwhelming him.

"Do you love him?" the stranger asked.

"Yes, I do. I love him, but I realized it after so much time, and after losing him," Jungkook confessed.

"You never lose someone if they are still alive. Go talk to him and fix it. Love is all you need to figure out what to do," the man said, gently caressing Jungkook's back, offering comfort in the face of his turmoil.

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