Chaptet 37: Ultrasound

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Bella POV

"Oh, Edward. This isn't over. You know you are my mate. We would have been fine if Renesmee hadn't come along. I even tried to be a mother, but she is such a freak." She muttered out loud.

She was about to run to the Cullen house when her phone started to ring, with the name 'Edward' on the screen.

"Edward? Is that you?" She tried to sound sad and lonely.

"Yeah, Bella, it's me. Listen, I want to talk this out. This can't be the end of us. Let's meet at our meadow, ok?" He said.

Bella smiled with a look of smug. "That sounds great. I'll see you in 10 minutes."

"Ok, I'll see you then." Edward says, hanging up.

"Oh, Edward. I knew you couldn't stay away for long." She says.
The Cullen's House

"Wow, Ced, that was quite convincing. Maybe acting should be your next adventure." Tabby chuckled.

"Yeah, so good. I almost barfed." Amara sneered.

Edward chuckled and dipped Amara in for a kiss.

"Jacob, why can't you kiss me like that?" Renesmee gushed.

"Oh, I can. I just don't feel like dying." He said, looking at Edward

Edward and Amara chuckled. "Good answer." They said at the same time.

"I think we should head over and get ready." Luna suggested.

"Before we do, Renesmee, are you sure you are ok with this?" Amara asked.

Renesmee stood up and hugged Amara. "You have treated me better than her in the 2 hours you have been here. She will try to get rid of me any chance she gets. I am sure. I want to be your daughter. I want you to legally adopt me."

Amara was speechless. "I would love nothing more than that. However, magically, adoption is.....different." She looked at Edward for help.

"What she means is if she adopts you, your appearance would change. You would biologically be Amara's. Her features would replace Bella's. Just think about it and talk it through with Jacob while we are gone." Edward said.

"Ok, I will. See you when you get back. Good luck. I love you all."

Amara and Edward hugged their daughter. "We love you, Ness. Keep an eye out for Aunt Lily. She should be here soon. Grandpa is gonna give her an ultrasound." Edward said.
Sam and Lily were on their way to the Cullen house to have their first ultrasound.

"Can you believe we are gonna see our baby today! Maybe we can even find out the gender. Oh, I'm so excited." Lily was practically bouncing in her seat.

Sam could help but chuckle. "I am very excited. Our family just keeps on growing." He leans over to kiss her.

A couple minutes later, they pull into the Cullens driveway. Carlisle is already outside to meet them.

"Hello Sam, Lily. Come on in, and we will get this thing rolling." He smiled at them.

As they were walking up to his office, Lily said, "Thank you for doing this, Carlisle. I really appreciate it."

"Of course, Lily. It is my pleasure. Why don't you make yourself comfortable on the bed and I will get the machine going."

Lily laid down and lifted her shirt and placed a towel in her pant liner to avoid getting gel on her pants.

"Ok Lily, this might be a tad cold." Carlisle squirted some gel on her stomach and started to move the dopplar around.

"There you are." He says and moves the screen to face them.

Sam and Lily just stared at the screen like it was the best thing they had ever seen.

"Wow, we really made a person, Lily. I love all of our kids the same, but it is just a little different that we actually made this one." Sam said.

"I understand what you are saying. We are getting to experience something we didn't get with our other kids."

Carlisle smiled at them. "Well, if you would like to know. I did catch a sneak peak of the gender. They look healthy, and with Sam's shifting abilities, your due date is speeding up to probably the end of this month."

Sam looked at him with wide eyes. "The end of the month?! That quick?"

"Yes, Sam. Remember how quickly Sabrina came? This one is no different." Carlisle explained.

Lily finally spoke up. "You saw the gender? I want to know. Sam?" She asked him.

"Of course, I want to know too. What are we having, Carlisle?" Sam asked with a goofy grin.

"Looks like the pack has another girl to protect." He laughed.

Sam's smile dropped. "Oh no."

"What do you mean 'oh no'?" Lily asked, getting upset.

"Boys will be all over her, Lily. Have you seen yourself? If she comes out looking like you, I will be chasing boys away left and right. I thought I would be doing that enough with Bri, but another one. I'm gonna have to assign one of the guys to be with them at all time!" Sam was rambling.

Lily couldn't help but laugh. Sam and her brother were quite similar when it came to their daughters. No one was ever going to be good enough, and they would never be grown enough to leave.

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