Chapter 33: Take her out!

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Lily was on her way over to the Cullen's. She had heard of the fight between Bella and her brother. She also hadn't told him about the baby yet.

"Cedric! Are you here?"

Renesmee came to great her aunt. "Hey, Auntie Lil. Dad went to go clear his head."

"Oh, sweetheart. How are you doing with this?" Lily hugged her.

"Can I be honest, Aunt Lil, without you telling Daddy?

"Of course, sweetie. Say what's on your mind."

Renesmee took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm so happy that bitch is gone.

Lily's eyes bugged. "Definitely wasn't expecting that reaction."

"She was being awful to me! Told me I was a freak, and I shouldn't have been born. I ruined her chance to have a carefree life. The worst part was when she said, "Your only good use was getting me immortality." Renesmee went and sat down with the last sentence.

"She said what?! You know that's not true, right? You are so loved. Your family would give their lives for you. And you are so special. She's just jealous." Lily bopped her nose with her finger.

"Have you told your father this yet?"

Renesmee rubbed her hands down her face and groaned. "No, and I really don't want to. He loved her. He doesn't need to know it was all fake. It would crush him."

"What would crush me?" They heard Edward say from behind them.

"Hey Ced. How are you doing?" Lily asked.

"I appreciate you being here, Lily, but you are deflecting right now." He said.

"We were having a private conversation. Nothing to worry about."

Edward looked to Renesmee. "You know you can tell me anything. Right?"

She shook her head 'yes'.

"Then, what would crush me?"

"Mom. She said some pretty nasty things to me. However, the comment that would crush you was, "Your only good use was getting me immortality." I'm sorry, Daddy."

Edward looked to the floor. Yes, it hurt to know she was only after immortality and not his love, but what made it worse was that Renesmee was verbally and emotionally abused along the way.

"I am so sorry, Renesmee. I should have protected you better." He walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"It's not your fault, dad."

Lily was smiling at the heartwarming scene in front of her. All of a sudden, both Renesmee and Edward opened their eye and looked at her.

"Do you hear that, dad?"

"I do." He smiles.

"What do you 2 hear?" Lily asked

"Another heartbeat." Renesmee says, pointing to Lily's stomach.

Lily giggled. "I was going to tell you. I promise."

Tabby had gotten a call from Renesmee explaining what had happened between Edward and Bella. Renesmee and Tabby were very close.

"I'm sorry. Your mother said what?!"

Renesmee sighed. "You heard me. I would rather not repeat it. Dad told her to leave, but I don't think she will stay gone for too long."

"Well, don't worry, my little protege. I will take care of her." Tabby had an idea.

"Oh God. What are you thinking? I'm slightly scared."

"Don't worry, Renesmee. I just woke up and chose violence today. I'll see you for your classes on Monday."

Tabby knew of a spell that could remove immortality from vampires. However, it is a 4 person thing.

She got up from her and Caius' bed and walked down to Aro's room to talk to Luna.

"*knock knock* Luna! I need you!"

Luna opened the door with a smile.

"Hey! What's up?"

"How would you feel about taking out a vampire bitch?" Tabby smiled.

"Who and why?"

Tabby told Luna about Bella's attitude and her fight with Edward.

"What does Renesmee think about this?" Luna was shocked.

"She wants the bitch gone. So what do you say?"

"You want to kill Bella? I don't know if I am ready to kill again." Luna looks at the floor.

"Not kill. We take her immortality. Take what she wanted the most."

Luna looked at her with an evil smile. "I'm in. Let's go tell the boys and maybe go recruit some others from Lily's place."

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