Chapter 25: Not surprised

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Months had gone by in Washington, and everything was fairly peaceful.
Lily had been doing much better since the episode. Her and Sam were so happy and in love.

Tabby had started teaching Renesmee magic, and she was a very fast learner.

One day, while Tabby and Ness were outside practicing dueling, a group of cloaks showed up. Edward sensed them coming and met them just before the house.

"Hello. Is it time for a 'check up' already?" Edward asked.

"Yes, Cullen, it is. Now, let's get this over with." Caius said.

"There has been a development in Renesmee." Edward said. "Before I was turned, I was a wizard. It seems she has inherited that gene."

"Great. So we have another thing to throw in the mix. So she is a human/vampire/witch hybrid? How do we know if she will not be a risk?" Cauis snarled.

"She has a teacher. Someone is teaching her like a normal witch and making changes if needed as they progress into their studies." He explained.

"How do we know this teacher is even qualified?" Caius asked.

"They are actually in a lesson now. Would you like to observe?" He asked.

Caius walked towards the backyard. He saw the grown child and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Ok, Ness. You are gonna try to disarm me now. I will NOT be holding back. You can do this. Magic only, sweetie." Tabby said.

Ness nods.

They start yelling out different spells, and Caius is entranced by the sight in front of him. He was about to call for the others, but they ended up arriving before he could.

"Brother. I see you have found her." Marcus says.

"Caius found who Marcus?" Aro questioned.

"That woman and Caius are mates, brother." Marcus said.

"Oh my God, why do I believe it?" Edward muttered.

"What was that, Cullen?" Caius snapped.

"That! That right there. Two peas in a pod. Both of you need anger management!" He said.

"You know your daughters teacher that well, Edward?" Aro asked.

"The teacher is my baby cousin Tabitha. It's a long story, but wait, you are already married to someone, Caius!" Edward yelled.

"You know how long I have been trying to get out of that marriage? That woman is a lunatic. Only married me for money and status." Caius said.

"Well, you are trading 1 lunatic for another." Edward laughed.

"Yo sparkle ass. If you have something to say, say it to my face!" Tabby yelled.

"I'm good, thanks." Edward ducked his head.

"Pussy." She whispered.

Edward looked at Caius. "See."

"I like her." Caius smiled.

"Ok, Ness. Lunch time. Go on in. I need to talk to your dad." Tabby smiled.

"Ok, Professor." Ness chuckled.

"Ced. We need to talk." She said.

"Who is Ced?" Aro asked.

Edward gave Aro his hand. Aro's eyes were practically bugging out of his head. "Ahh, ok."

"What is it, brother?" Caius asked.

"I'll explain it on the jet." Aro said.

"So Tabby. What's up?" Edward asked.

"Ness is doing great. However, we have come to a certain section of her education. The unforgivable's." She said.

"No! You will NOT teach her that!" Edward yelled.

Caius was about to jump on Edward to defend his mate, but Tabby had put him in a head lock.

"Listen to me, you albino! I am her teacher, and it is in the curriculum. I was giving you a warning because of the sensitivity of it!" She let go of him.

"It has NEVER been in the curriculum! Why now?!" He yelled some more.

"Because he made it so! It started after you! However, you are not the only one it affected. Do you think you were the only one to have been attacked by one of these curses? Because I have news for you, you aren't! Lily, Hermione, Luna, Olivandar," She whispered the last part.

"Tabby, I'm sorry. I didn't know. What happened to you?" Edward put his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't talk about it. It is in the past, and that's where it will stay." She said and walked away.

"Cullen! What happened to my mate?!" Caius yelled.

"Well, I obviously don't know that specific detail, but I can explain what I do what she has been through." He sat on a log and began to tell his story and of the war in Britain.

Today was the day. The day Seth Clearwater was going to take Ameila Weasley on a date.

He made a reservation at a little Italian restaurant in Seattle and was dressed in slacks and a button-up.

He was picking Mia up at Sam's tonight. Lily and Cassie were helping her get ready. He knocked on the door to be jumped by Severus opening the door.

Since Hogwarts, Severus has softened his heart. However, when it came to his children, he would make sure to protect them at every turn in life.

"Ahh Seth. Here to pick up Mia? Come in." Even though it was a normal sentence, he had his intimating voice going.

"Th-thank you s-sir." Seth stuttered.

Leah was sitting in the living room with Draco and he was hoping she would butt in this time and tell Severus to lighten up, but of course not because Draco was getting in on the grilling, too.

"Hey, Seth. Where are you taking my sis tonight?" Draco asked.

"Ahh, this Italian restaurant in Seattle." He said.

"That's not hooked to a hotel, is it?" He says darkly.

Seth freaked out. "No, no, no! Of course not!"

Severus walked over and put his hand on Seth's shoulder. "Good. That's good. Now, Seth, Mia is coming down in a moment. So I am gonna only say this once. If you make me a grandfather again before she turns 18, imprinting or not, I will neuter you like a dog. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal, sir." Seth said.

"Wonderful. Have a great night." Severus whole attitude changed.

His little witch (Sam Uley story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz