Chapter 10: Dick

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Lily POV

I walk out the door to see Sam talking to a guy who I can only assume is Paul's "father."

"Richard, I have told you not to come here anymore. You are not welcome." Sam said.

"Well, you got my boy, so I came here to get him. This is none of you business Sam. He is mine for another year! And who is this? Your little peice of ass? Good for you Sam, she is real nice looking. Care to share?" The disgusting man says while staring at me.

"Dick, was it?" I asked

"It's Richard." He said, angry

"Oh, my apologies, you just look like a Dick. What do you need Paul for? You obviously are getting out of the responsibility of taking care of him while he is here." I asked

"I may have a debt that needs to be paid. I need him to pay it in full per se. He snickered

"How much is your debt? I will pay it, and then some for something in return." I questioned

"It is $4,000. And I doubt you got that money." He looked like he won.

"I will give you $10,000 cash right now. All I need is something from you."

"$10,000! I'd give you almost anything for that. What is it?" I got you now, you asshole.

I secretly conjure up adoption papers with Sam and I's name listed. "You just need to sign Paul over to Sam and I. Then the money is yours."

I could see Sam's eyes bug out of his head. I couldn't tell it was because he didn't want this or because 'Dick' was actually gonna do it.

"You seemed really interested in my son. $12,000, and he is yours." He put his hand out to take the pen and paper.

"Deal." I said.

'Dick' signed the papers. I walked inside to see the boys surrounding Paul telling him everything was OK and he wasn't going to leave.

I grabbed my purse that my father gave me before we parted ways yesterday and pulled out $12,000. My wallet is linked to my Gringotts account. I see the guys looking at me with a questionable look on their faces.

"Paul, you are staying. Start eating. Sam and I will be back in soon." His eyes light up and starts making a plate of food.

I walk back outside. "Give me the papers, please." I look through to make sure everything is signed.

"Everything seems to be in order. Here is your $12,000. Now please leave our property." I said.

"Pleasure doing business, little lady." 'Dick' says with a smile and leaves.

Sam turns to me.
"I'm sorry, Sam, I should have asked you. I can take your name off the documents, but I was not going to stand by and let that asshole hurt him!" I start to tear up

"Lily, I'm not mad! I have wanted to adopt Paul all along, but Richard would never give in. I want this. However, this is crazy. We've only been together a day, and we already have 2 sons. When is Teddy coming?" Sam hugs me.

"Tonight. Dad is retrieving him from Harry. His Godfather." I said

"Let's go talk to Paul, my love." He walks us towards the door.

When we wall through the door, Paul looked up scared. "So, when does he want me home?"

I looked at Sam, and he nodded at me to tell him. "Never, sweetheart. You are never going back there again.

I pulled out the adoption papers and set them in front of him. He looked at them only for a moment before he jumped up and hugged us both. "Thank you!" He cries.

The boys lean over to look at the papers.
"Woah! You guys adopted Paul?!"
"How did you get him to sign those?" "What was that money for?"
"How much was in your hand?"

They all yelled a bunch of questions. Paul caught on to the last 2 questions, though.

"Money? What money?" Paul looked upset.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart. You still haven't eaten." I said

"Lily love, we won't lie to him. He deserves to know." Sam said

"I can't do it. I don't want him to hate me." I make myself a plate of food, and I take it to the bedroom.

His little witch (Sam Uley story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz