Chapter 34: Her time of the month

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The day after Bella's departure, Renesmee grew another couple of years. She looked now to be 16 years old.

"Aunty Alice! Can you bring me one of your outfits?" She yelled.

Alice came zooming in, "I don't think it will fit you........oh never mind. Don't you look beautiful! Your dad is gonna freak."

Renesmee smiled. "Thank you. I wish I didn't look so much like...her though."

Alice pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry it turned out like this. You still have all of us, and we will always be here. Now you go and get dressed, Uncle Jasper and I are gonna go hunt. We will be back soon."

Renesmee brought Alice's clothes to the bathroom with her. She wasn't expecting to see blood in her underwear when she went to the bathroom.


Her father, Aunt Rose, and Grandma came running up. "Renesmee! What's wrong?!" Her father yelled.

"Daddy, I'm dying!" She cried

"What do you mean, baby? Open the door."

She opened it and Edward was shocked she had grown again! "What do you mean you're dying?"

"I'm bleeding! It won't stop!" Renesmee was shaking.

"Where? I don't see anything."

Renesmee got embarrassed and just pointed down low.

Edward's eyes bugged. " are gonna be ok, baby. This isn't a big deal. I'm gonna let Aunt Rose talk to you and help you clean up. Esme could you run to the store?"

"Of course. I'll be back in a jiffy." Esme smiled.

Rose smiled with sympathy. This was the one thing she would never miss about her human life. "Let's get into the bathroom and talk."

Renesmee just nodded.

*Time skip*

Renesmee came stomping down the stairs. "You liar!" She yells at her father.

He jumped. "What do you mean?"

"It isn't a big deal?! Every month, this happens?! Are you kidding me!" She was losing her mind.

"Renesmee, every woman goes through this. You aren't alone." He explained.

"I understand that, Daddy, but you tell me.'It isn't a big deal.' Do you realize what my body has to go through and the stuff I have to use?" She asked.

"Something called pads and tampons. I have had a sister. Remember." He said sarcastically.

Renesmee was now seeing red. "Ok, Mr. Smart-ass. Come look at my new accessories."

They walked to the island in the kitchen. Renesmee pulled out a pad, tampon, and a bottle of water from the fridge.

She opened the pad all the way open. "So this is the pad. It is pretty much like a diaper!"

Her dad grimaced. "Renesmee of you bleed that much to fill this you should be in the hospital."

"Aunt Rose said I could go through 6 of these a day! Do you wanna see option B!?"

"Renesmee, I understand this is a lot for you, but why are you yelling."

"Because you stupid men don't get it! So let me educate you. Here is option B."

She opens the tampon, and Edward looks confused.

"How is that an option? It's so small. How would you even work this?"

Renesmee smiled sadistically and opened up the water bottle. "Here is my who-ha, this goes up inside, and then I push this out and wait for the removal!" She had to give the string a nice tug, and Edward saw the water ringing out of the tampon

Edward was appalled. "Ahhhh, oh God! No wonder why Lily was a child of Satan during her time of the month! I'm very sorry, sweetie. This is obviously a big deal. I should have been more understanding."

"Damn straight! Now I'm gonna go text Jake about bringing me a ton of McDonald's." Renesmee runs to her room.

Rose smiles at him and says, "You know Renesmee getting her period means she can now get pregnant."

Edward looked at her, horrified. He walked to the garage and came back with a drill.

Rose chuckled. "What is that for?"

"To take off her door!" He yelled.

His little witch (Sam Uley story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora