Chapter 46: A Son?!

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Uley house:

Paul and Sam were in bottle duty while Lily was whipping up some breakfast for everyone. Severus had even joined them this morning.

Paul was feeding Bri while Sam fed Naomi. "I can't believe how small they are. Obviously, Bri is bigger, but they are still so tiny." Paul said.

Sam smiled at his daughters. "No one will ever be good enough for them."

Paul started laughing. "I agree. It will be funny when they think they are allowed to date. You 2 girls are never dating."

Lily was laughing from the kitchen. She knew that Sam, Paul, and her father would he the most protective.

*knock knock knock*

Lily looked at the door. Then back to the living room to take head count.

"Who could that be?" Lily went to answer the door. "Oh my Merlin!" She yelled.

Sam bolted up, thinking it was danger when he saw his wife hugging another woman.

Severus looked over and raised his eyebrows. He walked over to the door. "Miss. Swan, glad to see you are indeed alright. We were worried after we were unable to locate you after the battle."

"Swan?!" The shapeshifters yelled.

"Ahh. I see Bella's awful reputation has rubbed off here too." Holly said.

"Are you related?!" One of the wolves yelled.

"Unfortunately. She is my annoying ass cousin. She is actually the reason I am here."

Lily pulled her inside and shut the door. "What do you mean, Holly?"

"After Bella was stripped of her immortality, she decided it was a good idea to expose shifter and vampires. However, we were able to stop her before it happened. The Cullens and the Volturi have agreed that instead of killing her, we rebirth her." Holly explained.

"What does that mean?" Sam asked.

Lily looker at Sam with a blank expression. "That means we essentially turn her back into a baby. She forgets everything. She starts from scratch."

"I would need help, though." Holly said, looking to Severus.

Severus nodded his head in agreement. "The twit would probably have brought us down, too. I will assist you, Miss Swan."

"Oh, come on, Sev. You can call me Holly. I would like to think we are friends."

Severus rolled his eyes. "Yes, because it is a goal for my friends to be the same age as my children."

"We'll work on your sarcasm while we brew." Holly said.

Lily jumped in the middle of the conversation after thinking about the plan over. "Wait. Why are you rebirthing her? You have wanted to kill her forever now."

Holly started to rub her neck awkwardly. "She gave me information I wanted in exchange for not killing her."

"What information?" Sam asked.

"The where abouts of her 3 year old son." Holly said.
The Cullens

Edward was blown away. "A son!? She had a child before moving here?"

Charlie had the honor of breaking the news to everyone while Holly went to get an extra set of hands.

"It seems so. She had become obsessed with another boy and his family. Apparently, she the family had money and saw them as a golden ticket. She became pregnant and left the child with Renee to move here after the father refused a relationship or having any part of the baby."

"So Nessie has a big brother out there?" Jacob asked while hugging a shocked Renesmee.

"As of now...yes. Demetri and Felix are on their way to retrieve him now. There were images in Bella's memory of possible abuse on the poor boy. The plan is when he gets here we are going to ask Carlisle to give him a check up and if our suspensions are proven true, we will reage the baby and he will be blood adopted by both Holly and Felix and start anew."

"How could they hurt an innocent baby? He didn't ask for this. How could I have been so blind to who she truly was?" Edward was beside himself. He may not love Bella anymore, but he was still blown away at what was happening.

"I know. If I had known about the child, I would have petitioned for custody. Renee is not a fit parent. Obviously, by looking at Bella. This little boy will be better off with Holly."

Marcus' head snapped towards the door. "He's here."

Demetri had walked in first. "It was as we feared. We found him in a basement in a dog cage. He is very skinny and weak. Is Carlisle able to look at him?"

Carlisle came running from the other room. "Bring him to my office on the second floor."

Felix was walking slowly and carefully with the boy in his arms. He couldn't look away at the child. Like he was afraid of him disappearing from his eyes.

"Wh-air are we? Pwez don't sent me back. I be good."
(Where are we? Please don't send me back. I'll be good.)

Felix kissed his forehead, already feeling a fatherly bonf to the boy. "We are at my friends home. He is a doctor. He is gonna make sure you are ok."

As they started for the stairs Felix turns to Charlie and asks. "Would you call Holly? Tell her we need 2 of those potions?"

Charlie let a tear fall and nodded his head. "I'll call her now."

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