Chapter 17: A wedding

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Lily POV

Emily, Sam, and I were in the exam room. Carlisle walks in with a couple of needles and tubes.

"So I will take some blood from Sam and a little bit of fluid from the baby's sac."

"Ok, Emily. I will send the results out today, and you will hear back in 24 hrs." Carlisle giving his doctor smile.

"That's fine. It will just prove I'm right! I am growing too quickly for it to be a human baby." She said smuggly and walked out.

"Alright, Sam. Sleeve up. Let's do this thing." Carlisle said.

He drew a tube of blood and asked me to join him in a different room.

"Here honey. Hold Teddy, please. I'll be right back." I said.

I walked into the room with Carlisle. "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

I muttered the DNA spell, and a piece of paper dropped onto my lap.

"Oh my God, Carlisle. I can't believe this. We need to tell Sam."
No one POV

Lily and Carlisle walked back into Sam's room. They looked at each other, wondering who was gonna tell him the news.

"Well, that look says it all, doesn't it." Sam whispered.

Carlisle spoke up. "You and the baby are related."

"Shit! I can't believe she is pregnant with my kid." He said.

"Hold on, honey. He did say you were related, but not the father." Lily smirked.

"I don't understand. So the baby isn't mine?" Sam asked

"Sam, this is some Jerry Springer bullshit. You and the baby share a father. The baby is your half sibling. Seem you father Joshua was in town recently and you didn't know." Lily said.

"Emily is pregnant with my sibling? That is so messed up." Sam sighed.

Carlisle decided to finish off the conversation. "The baby is due any day, actually. Just want you to be aware."

"Well, it doesn't actually affect me. But thank you, Carlisle. Oh, and Carlisle, what are you and the family doing tonight?" Sam asked.

"Nothing that I know of. Why?" He questioned.

"How about you, come to our wedding? Starts at 6." Sam smiled while looking at Lily.

"We will be there." Carlisle smiled and left.
Sam, Lily, and Teddy were able to make the other stops they needed to and returned home around 2:30. When they walked in the door, Draco was on the couch.

"There you guys are! Where have you been?"

"That's a long story I will tell you about later. Would you mind watching Teddy? We have to go pick up the boys." Lily asked.

"Sure, no problem. What's in the bag? Ohhh someone get a dress?" Draco teased her.

"Oh yes. My wedding dress. We are getting married tonight so look dashing." Lily said.

"You're what?!?!? Damn you both work fast! What did dad say?"

"He said, "I saw this coming and I am not Trelawany." Lily laughed.

"Ok. Ok. I will get Teddy looking handsome. You go get the rest of the family." Draco waved.
Lily and Sam where leaning outside against the truck at the school waiting for the boys. They are talking about the wedding and cook out they had planned for the night.

"Hey boys. You all got straight A's today, right?" Sam joked and put the cab down for the boys to hop in.

"When we get home, we need all of your boys help with a project!" Lily smiled.

Paul ran up and kissed her cheek. "Oh yeah. What's up, Ma?"

"We just need to get ready for the bonfire, cook out, and oh the wedding tonight." She was waiting for them to catch on.

"Oh ok no prob....the what?!?!?!" Paul yelled.

The other boys jaws were dropped to the ground.

"Hey close your mouths goofballs. You gonna help or not?" Sam went all alpha on them.

"We're in!" They all said.
Lily was in her room getting ready. She was going to be Sam's wife in 10 minutes.

"Lily are you ready?" Her dad asked.

"Yes, I'm coming out." She smiled at her reflection.

"My flower, you look beautiful. Are you sure you're ready?" He asked.

"I am."
Sam is standing at the front will Edward. Lily doesn't know yet but Edward would be marrying them.

When he heard Renesmee start playing the piano he smiled and looked up to see Lily walking towards him. She was so beautiful and looked happy. He knew this was the best decision he had ever made.

When she reached Sam, her father kissed her cheek and sat down. She then realized her brother was also there officiating.

Edward began
"Friends, family, I don't think any of us expected to be here for this event today. We all knew this was coming, but the timing was unexpected.
No matter. These 2 have decided to make their love known to us and the world today and be joined as one for eternity. I, being the brides brother, can say for a fact that these 2 are definitely each other's missing half. They are good for one another and love each other as if they have been with each other for 100 years.
Sam, do you take Lily to be your wife?To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death, do you part?"

"That and even longer." Sam smiled

"Lily, do you take Sam to be your husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"Death will never part us." Lily said back.

"This is why there are rehearsals. You are supposed to say 'I do'." Edward laughs, and so does everyone else.

Sam and Lily at the same time said. "I do!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. And Mrs. Uley!" Edward said.

"Hey Cedric, mate, you missed a part." Draco laughed.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride. Just let me turn arou..." Edward didn't have time to finish his sentence or turn before he saw his baby sister in a total lip lock with her new husband.

When they broke apart, Lily raise her fist and yelled. "Let's party!"

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