Chapter 38: Down with Bella-bitch

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"Crystal's? Really? We are real witches and wizards, not some pumpkins spice loving horoscope believing witch." Edward grumbled.

"Well, Sparkles, these are special crystals. Merlin crystals. They will outline the circle and help prevent anything besides wizard kind escaping from the barrier." Tabby sassed back.

Amara pulled Edward in for a loving kiss. "Don't worry. Everything will work out. I have faith."

Luna heard branches break, who was there. She knew for sure it wasn't Isabella.

"Who's there!" She yelled.

Alec and Jane came into sight.

"Merlin, you too! You gave me a fright. What are you doing here, loves?"

Alec looked at Jane and pulled Luna in for a hug.

"We were worried. We wanted to be here for you and Aunt Tabby for when you fully transition." He said.

"Yes, you are practically our mother. We didn't want you to be alone. We want to help if we can. Demetri is also with us. He is hiding because he doesn't want to feel Pansy's wrath." Jane smiled.

Luna hugged her new children and placed a kiss on their heads.

"It makes me so happy to hear you care for me. However, when it begins, I need you to promise me you will NOT come past this line."

Luna drew a line in the dirt with her shoe.

"We promise, mother." The twins said together.
Bella had finally made it to their meadow. She was looking around for Edward when he stepped out of the woods.

'Time to put on a show.' She thought.

"Edward! I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. It must still be the newborn anger that got the best of me."

Edward knew she was full of it and frankly didn't care. He was going to be with his mate and daughter after this.

"Bella, I get it. I once rebelled. You have changed a lot."

She couldn't believe that her plan was working. She should have been an actress before her turning.

"But......" Edward said.

Bella looked at him, worried.

"You haven't changed for the best. You are a threat to my daughter and my future with my mate."

"Edward, what are you talking about! I am your mate!" Bella could see everything she worked for disappearing in front of her.

"No, Bella, you're not. You only used me for immortality, and I am going to rectify that. right. now." He said dangerously, with his eyes turning black with the last 3 words.

"obice erectus!" Pansy appears and yells.

A purple mist starts coming out of the crystals and locks Edward and Bella in a purple dome.

"Edward! What are you doing!" Bella yells at him.

"Removing your immortality! You can grow old and die, Bella. Your worst fear." He growled

Bella smirk. "Well, you are locked in here with me, Edward. So you, too, will lose your immortality. Is that your plan? Leave our daughter alone."

"She is MY daughter, not yours, and I was just leaving." He pulled out Cedrics wand and backed up out of the circle.

"No! Edward, don't do this! I will change, ok!" Bella was hyperventilating unnecessarily.

Luna had enough of listening to her screams. "Silencio!"

"Isabella Swan, your terror ends today. You are to be stripped of your immortality." Tabby announced.

Amara had stepped forward now, taking Edward's hand within hers.
"removere et transferre immortalitatem!"

A white light begins to escape Bella's chest. She tried to put her hand over her chest to stop the light but became weak and fell to the ground.

"Edward, help me. Please!" She begs.

"No, Bella, you are getting what you deserve." He said.

Bella no longer had her flawless beauty. Her dull brown hair and muddy eyes had returned.

While she lay there, the 4 witches fell to the ground. They had begun the transformation. It was, thank, merlin it is painless due to it not resulting from a bite."

The transformation only took minutes. The 4 of them stood to their feet with red eyes with a slight burning in the throats.

Amara was helped up by Edward. He looked at her like his world was now complete.

"Pansy, would you please remove the crystals so Bella may be free of the enchanted circle." Tabby asked.

Bella rose to her feet angrily. "So what now?! The Volturi don't allow humans to know of vampires' existence. It has always been 'join or die!' Do you feel good about that, Edward? You have condemned me to death!"

Luna had stepped forward with her children. "We have decided to give you 3 choices, Isabella.
Option 1: You keep your mouth shut and leave the Cullens alone.
Option 2: Psychiatric facilities.
Option 3: Death
The choice is yours."

Bella screamed, "Ahhhh, you will all regret this! I promise you that!"
She took off running towards the road.

"Mother, shall we stop her?" Jane asked.

"Let's give her a head start. She obviously can't do much and is slow now." Luna smiled

"We should at least follow her." Amara suggested.

It didn't take long for them to catch up to Bella.

"Enjoy your life while you can. I promise that you will all be burned at the steak when I tell everyone what you are." Bella smirked as she walked into the road.

Unfortunately for Bella, she didn't look before crossing. A Buick was coming down the road at about 45 mph and hit Bella hard enough to go up over the car.

obice erectus (barrier erect)
Silencio (silence)
removere et transferre immortalitatem
(Remove and transfer immortality)

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