Chapter 23: Confrontations

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Tabatha Diggory ^^^

Today was the day. The day she would have to see the man who abused her. Amos Diggory. However, she couldn't let this change her routine.

She got up, dressed, and headed to the kitchen. She had only been cooking for about 10 minutes when Sam came into the room with Bri.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry I didn't even hear her." Lily said.

"Don't be sorry. Children are a team effort. You don't need to do everything." Sam kissed her.

"Are you ready for today?" Sam finally asks.

"I'll be ok, honey. I have a feeling Tabby won't be too far behind him, so I won't be alone." Lily gave a fake smile.

"How about I come with you? I'm sure Paul and Cassie could babysit. I want to be with you for this." Sam said.

"Ok. If Paul and Cassie are ok with it. I would love to have you there. And I would love it if you scared the shit out of him." She kissed him with a smile.

"I will certainly try my best, love." Sam chuckled.

Everyone had finally made it to the table. They were all joking and having a good time. Lily loved her family. More than anything.

"Paul, would you and Cassie be interested in watching Teddy and Bri for a bit?" Lily asked.

"Sure, Ma, no problem. It will be nice practice. It will be like our own little family." He smiled at Cassie.

"Or really good birth control." Lily laughed.

*knock knock knock*

"I got this." Lily smiled.

Lily opened the door to see Tabitha Diggory. Her first cousin and who she considered to be a sister.

"Hey cuzzy. Are you ready to go watch a comedy? I got popcorn and tranquilizers in case this goes souther than the border." Tabby joked.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let me get Sam, and we will go. Is he already on his way?" Lily asked.

"He was getting dressed when I ducked out. So, anytime now."

"Sam, honey. Are you ready?"

"Yup. Just said bye to the rugrats. You must be Tabby. Nice to finally meet you." Sam said.

"Nice to meet you too! I hope we can be really close as well." Tabby smiled.

Lily and Tabby were very family oriented. They were two peas in a pod.

"Well, when this is done with, why don't you come back here? Meet the rest of the guys and have dinner with us." Sam suggested.

"That sounds lovely! Thank you!" She bounced.

Sam, Lily, and Tabby reached the Cullen house, and Cedric was the first to greet them.

"Tabby cat!" He pulled her in for a hug.

"Ceddy-kins!" She was practically crying.

"I missed you so much. Look how beautiful you've become." He said.

"Wow. Do you hear that, Lily? I was an ugly nifler before now." Tabby laughed.

"You know that's not what I meant." Cedric laughed.

Their reunion was cut short when they heard a knock at the Cullen door.

"We are just gonna take a seat in the living room." Lily said.

Cedric took an unnecessary breath and opened the door.

"Cedric! My dear boy! How I have missed you!" Amos hugged him.

His little witch (Sam Uley story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang