Chapter 49: Return of the "father"

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Uley house

Sam walked over and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Sam. I hear I have a daughter." It was Joshua Uley on the other end of the phone.

"No, you don't, Joshua. How did you even get this number?" Sam was trying to remain calm.

He could hear Joshua start to chuckle, that bastard.

"Emily gave it to me. You remember her, don't you? She is quite the fun girl. You must really enjoy her.

"Well, she doesn't live here anymore. I don't enjoy her either. I'm just lucky I didn't catch anything from her, especially knowing she was sleeping with people like you." Sam sneered.

"Wow, Sam, you got a backbone. Good for you. However, I do, in fact, know Emily gave birth and the baby is mine. So I will be taking her."

"Good luck with that. Emily signed her rights away at the hospital and checked marked the box that the father was notified of and has denied responsibility. She was legally adopted by my wife and I." Sam looked uo to see Lily's face look confused and worried.

"Wife? You didn't invite your own father to your wedding? That is whatever. However, let's face it. I have more money than you do, and I could love her better than you."

At this point, Lily has made it to the phone and was furious and grabbed the phone from Sam, who was about to lose it.

"I highly doubt that Mr. Uley. Unless you have more than 250 million dollars in your bank account, you do NOT have more money than us and for the record. We love OUR daughter very much and have a better track record with not abounding our children. You have abandoned not 1 but 2 of your sons. So please again give me the reasons on why you should have OUR daughter?"

Joshua was silent for a moment. She knew he was trying to think of something to ruffle her feathers.

"What is that? A British accent? What was she, Sam? A mail order bride?" He began to laugh.

Sam had begun to shake he was gonna phase.

Lily covered the speaker on the phone and asked Paul to take him outside.

"Well, obviously you are not smarter either, Mr. Uley. Mail order brides are not from England. You have no legal grounds on this. You have lost and will always lose on this subject. This conversation is over. Goodbye, Mr. Uley."

Lily went to hang up the phone when she heard him say, "Tell Sam I will be there tomorrow with a lawyer."

Lily laughed after she hung up the phone. "He has no idea who he is messing with."

At this point, a calmer Sam and Paul had come back inside.

"What did he say, honey?" Sam asked.

"That he would be here tomorrow with a lawyer." She began to laugh.

Sam and Paul looked at each other. Is Lily having a mid-life crisis? Why did she think this was funny?

"Ma, why are you laughing? Isn't this bad?" Paul said.

Lily was wiping the tears away and said, "He thinks he has legal standing, and I am a bloody witch! I can make him and this whole problem go away! Hahaha, but he thinks he is a tough man!"

That's when the guys remembered. She was a witch. She could do anything she wanted to. There would be no problem coming tomorrow. In fact, it might even turn into a comedy.

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