Chapter 43: Oh Holly

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"I'm not gonna lie. This is a bombing house." Holly said while looking at the Cullen residence.

Charlie laughed. "It is quite something. Are you ready to go inside?"

She nodded and proceeded to the door. She was about to knock when a man with platinum hair answered the door.

"Hello Charlie. Thank you for coming." He shook Charlie's hand and turns to her.

"I'm Carlisle Cullen, and you are?"

"Hello sir, I'm Holly Swan. Pleasure." She shook his hand. Hogwarts taught her manners to her elders.

"It's nice to meet you too, Holly. Please come in. The Volturi are here, too."

Holly looked at her uncle from the corner of her eye nervously.
"How many if them are here?

"9. The 3 kings, 2 Queens, and 4 gaurds." Carlisle listed off

When they entered the living room, Holly was met with 3 sets of eyes she hadn't seen in almost a year.

"Uhhh hey guys." She muttered out.

Luna, Tabby, and Amara looked at her with surprise.

Luna was the first to run to her. "Oh my Godric! You're alive! Thank Merlin!"

Tabby followed it up with a smack to the back of the head. "Where the hell were you?! We looked for you!"

She pulled the 2 girls in for a hug. "I needed time to heal. I was in pretty rough shape, and I was emotionally gone for a while there. I just crawled out of my depression hole about a month ago. I'm sorry I left without a word."

Carlisle was the first to speak up. "You all know each other?"

Amara had finally come forward to pull Holly into a hug. "We do. She is one of us. A strong warrior, witch, friend, and soul sister."

"If you are also a witch, does that mean the Swans are magical?" Carlisle asked.

"Well, Uncle Charlie can explain that. Speaking of that...where is Uncle Charlie?" She saw he was no longer in the living room.

She thought maybe he went back to the car. She walked back down the hall and was face with her uncle snogging another man.

"Uhh, Uncle Charlie?"

Both men jumped and pulled away from each other.

"Holly, uhhh, this is Marcus. He is one of the Volturi Kings." He was stumbling out.

"Uhh huh. Usually people kiss the back of the hand of royals. Not stick their tongues down the others throats."

Marcus stepped forward. "Your Uncle is my mate."

She looked at Marcus and then to her uncle.

"Well, I am truly happy my uncle has found his other half. However, please try to keep your tongues in your mouths while children are present. I am gonna go make a drink."

She walked back through the living room and into the kitchen and started pulling things out from her purse.

"Holly, what are you doing?" Edward asked.

"Well, if we are going to talk about your devil of an ex, I need a drink, and by the looks of it, so does my cousin." She looked at Renesmee shaking.

"You are not giving my daughter alcohol." He said firmly.

"Come on! Be the cool dad. She seems like a good kid. Just enough to take the edge off. She is part vampire anyway. She will probably burn it off hella quick."

Edward looked at his shaking daughter and thought Holly may he right. "Fine. Just this once."

Marcus and Charlie had re-entered the room holding hands. Aro was the first to notice. "Brother? Have you finally found your one?"

He smiled at Charlie and said. "I have."

"Let's get this meeting started shall we!" Holly came in with 3 frozen drink. She handed one to Charlie and one to Renesmee.

Charlie took a big sip of his drink. "Mmm this is good. Anyways, you all know Bella is my...daughter. I am also however a squib from a magically family. Meaning I did not inherit the magical gene. I know of vampires, werewolves, mermaids, the whole 9 yards."

"Ok, so now we know it is okay to discuss details, what is going with Bella?" Carlisle asked.

"Bella has officially broken the law and told me the Cullens were vampires. Granted I already knew, she still didn't know that.
When Holly arrived I had her search Bellas mind on what her plans are. The consist of taken down the Cullens including Renesmee and the pack." Charlie explained.

"What? She wants to hurt me?!" Renesmee cried.

"Keep drinking sweetie." Holly said while tilting the cup up into her mouth.

Charlie was about to begin speaking again but started swaying. "Woah...why do I feel so dizzy? Holly, did you drug me?!"

"Calm down uncle Charlie. All 3 of us are drinking from the same pitcher." She said.

"I guess you're right Holls." He muttered.

"So technically I drugged all 3 of us." She kept drinking.

Renesmee started laughing. "Jake I wanna be so scared, but I can't. Hahaha." She was going to finish her drink when her dad snatched it from her hand.

"What did you give them?" Edward asked. He wanted to be upset but his daughter isn't having a panic attack at the thought of her birth mother plotting her demise.

"One of my specialties. Xanax Colada."

Charlie bolted up but had to be caught by Marcus at a fear of falling over. "Xanax?! If we all had the samething, how are you not screwed up too! Oh my God have you been popping Xanax's?"

"Uncle Charlie I haven't beaten the shit out of Bella in 2 years. Did you think I magically decided to take the high road with her? Haha not likely." Holly was surprised he didn't figure it out sooner.

"So you were high the past 2 summers. Just to put up with Bella?"

"Ahh yeah. Thought is was obvious enough when you caught me watching Barney the dinosaur while eating 2 dozen cookies."

Charlie remembered that and realized that was definitely a big giveaway.

Edward got them back on track. "Back to the problem at hand. How did you go through her mind. She is a shield. No one's gift works on her.

"Simple. I broke her shield. She doesn't have it anymore and doesn't know it." Holly shrugged.

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