Comincia dall'inizio

nah you say sum wack shit
like 'you look dumb' or if you
actually like it you'll say 'it's okay'

i think you're getting me
and suna confused 🤗

tsumu 😡

yes my precious honey
bunny bear?

do i look fucking dumb to
you 😀

uhm yes 😁 especially
today !!

wrong answer 🤬

you have interrupted a very
crucial nap, i will be knocking
myself out again until your
brother says dinner's ready.

nOOOoo wait y/NiEEeee 🥺🥺


i need your help for something

that's why i texted you in
the first place

im too tired

no pls

i just need my kneecaps.

im at the gymnasium nearby.
it's literally a two minute

walk, you can see it from
the apartment complex



bring me my fucking
kneepads 😾


you're showing your true
colours tsumu.

my kneepads thou

now im definitely not
bringing them. 

you revolting bitch 😵

now you sound like omiomi-kun !

i wasn't friends with him
for nothing 😾

come on y/n bring my


bokuto's here.



*heavy sniffing* the fact
that she wants bokuto
more than me :(

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

you had entered the gym in your pajamas like you were instructed, minutes later, seeing nets opened and an atsumu. 

there was an owl-like boy next to him who you immediately pegged as bokuto. they were in the middle of a high-five, encouraging shouts were heard.

"y/n!" atsumu shouts, waving at you.

"tsumu! oh my god, hi!" you say to bokuto.

"this is y/n?" bokuto asks, tilting his head at you.

atsumu nods frantically.

"why do you sound disappointed?" you ask as you handed atsumu his holy kneepads.

"oh no! i am not disappointed! i just expected you to look a little more...like..."

"like she's on drugs?" atsumu asks.

"y-yeah." bokuto nods, matter-o-factly.

you were definitely more than hurt by bokuto's choice of words and opened your mouth to defend yourself when bokuto cut you off, "wait, i'm sorry. i hope i didn't hurt your feelings!"

"you don't need to be sorry, bo. she doesn't take those things seriously." atsumu reassures, giving his friend a slap on the back that should've had him doubled over in pain but bokuto, having an unusually strong back, remains upholstered.

you furrow your eyebrows in at the boy you call best friend, "as a matter of fact—"

a squeak indicates the gym door opening and the three of you turned around to see who came in. atsumu didn't mention anyone else joining them. 

for a second you thought it was someone coming in to tell you guys to shut up because you were damn loud. but it wasn't, it was someone better. it felt like you forgot how to speak again, words had strung in your throat one by one and your heart was fluttering again.

atsumu had said it all for you.



omg im getting like heavy flashbacks to when i first wrote this.

in like a good way, i really did miss you guys :(

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora