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It's been two weeks, and I've been laying low. Today, I was meeting with Kalvin at the park but without our son.

I figured he had more questions about me living with two men. I planned on being as honest as possible without giving him too much information.

I was twenty minutes early when I pulled into the parking lot. He was already here waiting.

He looked like he was upset and held a blue folder in his hand. I instantly got nervous.


I walked up with a soft smile, hoping he could see I didn't want any smoke with him.

"Bellamy and Amin Batista...."

Those were the first words that Kalvin spoke to me. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for what he was about to say.

"Are you fucking both of them?"


"Don't lie to me, Essence."

"Kalvin, what is this all about?"

"You have my son around a bunch of fucking drug dealers...are you insane?"

"They aren't drug dealers."

"They're not making that much money from owning a nightclub."

"They own a few businesses, Kalvin." I was trying my best to stay calm.

"Their father is a cocaine drug lord and you expect me to believe they're not involved!"

He pulled a picture of their father from the folder and held it in front of my face. I backed away.

"Stop yelling at me."

"You really must think I'm stupid. You're fucking both of else are you able to stay in their mansion, Essence?"

"I'm not doing this with you." I began to walk away.

"And you won't ever see Kevin again."

I stopped then slowly turned around. "What?"

"Did you know your boyfriends have been under Federal surveillance for the past two years?"


"Yes and it's just a matter of time before the Feds are kicking in their door. You can go down with them but I'm keeping my kid away from your stupid ass."


"You heard me. I'm taking away your visitation for child endangerment. I don't think Kevin is safe in your custody as long as you're with them."

"Th-They're just letting me stay until I find another place."

"Bullshit...I'll see you in court."

"Kalvin! Please don't do this."

"Too late."

He handed me court papers and walked away. I felt a pain in my chest while he sped off in his car.

I opened my car and got inside as tears fell down my face. He was so angry with me, and I began to realize that maybe he was right. I've already killed someone being involved with Amin and Bellamy.

This situation wasn't going to get any better.

Once again, ten steps forward twenty steps back.


After the realization of Dark Lotus' words, Amin and I decided to put a barrier around our home. If and when the creatures of our realm cross over, Essence and her son will be out of harm's way.

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