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I was freaking out at the number of cop cars outside. Me being there was a horrible idea. Now I'm regretting coming to their nightclub last night.

Banging on the front door could be heard, but the voices were muffled. I tried to peek out the window again but was scared I'd be seen.

There was some talking then silence. I sat for a good forty or so minutes and still heard nothing. This was a weird situation, and that seems to be the theme of my life as of late.

I slowly opened the bedroom door and was instantly hit with cop radios going off.

My eyes peeked around the wall with just enough view to see what was happening. Alicia, Corrin, Melissa, and Shanica were all in handcuffs.

What is going on?

Bellamy was talking to one of the officers.

"Mr. Batista, these women are wanted for a string of robberies and home invasions."

He chuckled. "Is that so?"

"We believe that in due time, you and your brother would be next. These ladies have been under surveillance for a few months."

"Bell, we would never do that to y'all!" Shanica called out.

The cop gave his men a signal. "Get them outta here."

I was confused but relieved since I assumed the cops were there for Bellamy and Amin. Each of the women was taken out.

"Amin, please bail me out. I didn't rob anybody!" Melissa cried.

"Girl, shut up!" Corrin rolled her eyes.

Alicia stopped in front of Bellamy. "You're not gonna leave us in there, right?"

While the last woman was taken, I hurried back into the bedroom. I knew the Batista brothers would have other women, but seeing them altogether openly was intimidating.

Now I wonder how many more there are.

"Are you okay?"

Bellamy asked, coming into the room. I gave him a nod, then he sat next to me on the bed.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"Are the cops gone?"


The question I really wanted to ask was on the tip of my tongue, but I was afraid to speak the words.

"Ask me, Essence."

Bellamy's lips were next to my ear. My heart beat sped up.

"Did you kill my friend Dawn?"


"Did your brother?"


I looked at him, trying to see if I could believe what I heard. He touched my hair while staring at my lips.

"You don't believe me?"

My eyes looked away. "I don't know."

Amin opened the door with a mean look on his face. He had the phone up to his ear.

"Tío was caught in a drive by..." He walked back out to continue talking on the phone.

I was ready to go home. Of course, they wanted me to stay. After seeing the disappointment on both their faces, I was taken back to the nightclub to get my car.

"We'll see you soon." Bellamy kissed my lips.

"Yeah, be good."

Amin kissed me after, and they both waited for me to get in my car and drive off.

Their kisses sent chills down my spine. And flashbacks of what they put my body through haunted my memory.

I sighed...I was already missing them.


I stopped at the store to grab a few groceries and items for Kevin. I wanted to have all his snacks for when he came over in a few days.

Bellamy and Amin continued to consume my thoughts. I truly wanted to believe they weren't involved in Dawn's death. Either way, I'm in too deep with them.

I got a few texts from Felicia and answered them. She was asking for any updates on the apartment I chose.

The apartment in Lindenville is really nice.

Yeah, that was my first choice.

My vehicle pulled into the two car driveway. I sent another text to Felicia and got out of the car.

With my bags in my hand, I went inside Keisha's house. I went into the kitchen and put everything away, then made my way upstairs to my room.

From the sounds coming from down the hall, Keisha had company.

"Okay...get it, Keish." I giggled and went into my room.

Fifteen minutes went by, and my phone was ringing. It was a number I didn't recognize...I pressed ignore.

Within seconds, it was ringing again, so I answered.


"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Ronda."

I was surprised. "Hey, is Kevin alright?"

"Yeah, but I'm looking for his father."

"I don't know where he is...he's not here."

"I highly doubt that. The tracker on his car brought me to this location."

"A tracker? What the hell?"

I instantly got up and looked out the window.

"Isn't this where you're staying now?"

I looked both directions on the street. Kalvin's car wasn't parked in front of the house but a few houses down.

My eyes widened. "Oh shit."

"What Essence? Is he there with you?"

"No, he's not here with me...but."

I opened my bedroom door, staring down the hall. The idea that my best friend and child's father were just fucking makes my stomach turn.

With slow steps, I walked towards Keisha's room then banged on the door. Prayers were being said in my head. My friend was fucking my ex-husband and the father of my child.

My disappointment and anger wasn't because I had feelings for Kalvin, it's the blatant disregard for my feelings as Keisha's friend and the mother of his child.

"What's happening?! I'm outside right now!" Ronda shouted through the phone.

I took a deep breath. "Open the door, y'all."

My fist banged on the door again. I heard some movement and whispering on the other side of the closed door.

Did they not think I was coming back?

"Essence, I'm outside."

I could hear the distress in Ronda's voice. I put my phone down on the sink in the bathroom.

Once the door opened, I swung hard, punching Kalvin in his face.

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