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While Essence made her phone call, Bellamy and Amin went to the other side of the mansion to have a quick meeting with Talik and Dino.

"Do you have the video?" Bellamy asked.

Dino pulled a tablet out his bag and gave it to him.

Talik shook his head. "I didn't wanna believe it, but there's the proof."

Bellamy touched the screen, playing the video.

Hey Daniel, my guy, how have you been?

I've been good, Mr. B. How about you?

I'm still here.

Amin and Bellamy brows furrowed at the sound of their father's voice. Seeing Swatch so comfortable with him was a surprise.

I heard my sons found out about Jesse Cardone.

Yeah, they took out Sabrina, Ricardo, and Taffy.

I didn't expect Bellamy to act so irrationally. That drug really must be doing big numbers.

You know it is...that's why you try to steal it.

I'm not stealing...I'm borrowing. I want to see how well it does outside the country.

Is there a way to get Amin and Bellamy on board with you?

Nah, they only see me as a cocaine dealer...nothing more. When's the next big shipment day for them?

Next Wednesday.

Amin and Talik looked at each other. They both were ready to see Swatch.

Can you get warehouse access for one of my guys?

Yeah, of course. Who needs it?

Reggie. He can get multiple routes open for transporting. By the time my sons notice anything, the shipment will already be loading the docks in my territory.

Do you have possession of Scanson City?

Not only there but all four towns surrounding it. That's been my turf for five years now.

Holy shit, that's dope. The economy in those places is booming.

Yup, those places like to have fun and indulge, but cocaine is too hardcore for the party scene there. I want my share of the wealth, and Posesión is going to get me that.

Bellamy stopped the video, no longer able to listen while Amin hung his head.

Seeing their father and best friend working against them was a punch to the gut.

"How long have they been conspiring?"

Dino answered. "For a few months."

"Man, Swatch used to talk about expanding our clientele, but I just thought that was him trying to be more involved." Talik said with hurt in his voice.

It was crazy to Bellamy that their father was so interested in their product when he was the main hater of Posesión. He wanted them to join the cocaine business, keeping them underneath his authority.

They decided to lay low while getting their education. This caused their father to back off of them and stop pressuring them to follow in his footsteps.

When they first dropped their product, their father didn't bat an eye.

It was the growing success that made his true colors show. Once he realized that his sons built their own wealthy empire, he wanted to get involved.

To his surprise, they declined, and that was the start of his animosity towards his very successful sons.

"How were you able to get this tape?" Amin asked.

"Apparently, Jesse Cardone thinks you two are coming for him after the Sabrina, Ricardo incident."

"He sent the tape?"

Dino sat forward. "Yup, they were meeting at one of his office buildings."

"So, what y'all wanna do?" Talik asked.

Bellamy leaned back. "We're going to wait them out and let a shipment go through."

"What?" Dino and Talik said in unison.

"We'll see how well it does overseas. If it does bad, our father will lose interest, and we'll let Swatch go. If it does well, we'll take over those territories..."

Amin interrupted. "And everybody dies."


I dialed Kalvin's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hi Essence, are you on your way?"

"Hi, that's actually why I'm calling. Can you drop Kevin off to me?"

"Um...yeah..sure. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just had to take care of some things. I'll text you the address."


"Thanks, Kalvin."

"No problem."

We hung up, and I sighed.

The thought of Kalvin coming here made me so nervous. Once he sees I live in this mansion with Amin, the questions are going to start.

I can already hear it now, but I also don't have to explain myself to him or anybody else. As long as our son is taking care of and happy that's all that matters.

I texted him the address and fixed my hair. Looking in the mirror, I realized my hair was a mess.

It would be a while before he got here, so I made some lunch and put some cookies in the oven.

Bellamy and Amin came into the kitchen. I made their plates, followed by kisses on their cheeks.

My phone buzzed.

I'm here.

I left my men in the kitchen while I went to answer the door.


Just my luck, Kalvin pulls up with Ronda in the car.

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