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Listening to Essence moan in pleasure was the highlight of my evening. She gave into Bellamy and I with ease. It was so satisfying.

I'm looking forward to hearing what other sounds she's hiding and hearing how loud we can make her get.

I pressed the remote, causing the VIP curtains to reopen.

In my sights, I see good ol' Joey...Detective Joseph Stratus. He's been on my brother and I's radar for a few years. He claims he has a lot of dirt on us, and I'm sure he does...but without any way to prove it.

No evidence is just gossip.

Between him and the Vincente family, we've been very popular. I'm not worried, though. I welcome the challenge.

Joey walks into VIP with no regard to club rules. That badge makes him feel invincible.

"Mr. Batista, it's good to see you."

I remained silent while he made himself comfortable.

"Dose is doing fucking great. This place hasn't had one light night since it's been open."


"That's big money for you, huh?"

"I guess."

"Probably can retire from the drug game if this keeps up."

I smirked and took a drink of champagne. Joey's specialty is getting a rise out of his suspects. In his mind, that proves guilt.

"Not in the talking mood, huh?"

He took out a cigarette in the obvious no smoking section and lit it up. I could see Swatch standing at the bar, watching us.

"I guess I'll cut to the chase. Dawn Jenkins...."

"Who is that?"

"You tell me. Cameras caught you and your men blocking her and her friends in the parking lot of a club. Why would you need to do that?"

"Oh, that Dawn."

Stratus took a drag of his cigarette, then blew the smoke in my direction. I held back my reaction.

"She stole from a family member, but everything has been taken care of."

"Where did you take her?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"She's been missing since that night. Disappeared without a trace. I know you did something to her or know who did it."

"No detective...I don't. We made an arrangement for her to pay back what she took, and she agreed."

He looked at me, not believing a word I said, and I didn't give a shit.

"So if I question your brother or any of your men, the stories will all align?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask and let me know."

I got up, and he sat there, calling for one of our waitresses. They all were well aware of who he was. She walked into VIP, then looked at me, and I gave her a nod.

Joey looked her up and down. "Hey sweetheart, get me a glass of scotch on the rocks."

I saw Bellamy and Essence walking towards the bar. He told Swatch something, then they both looked my way. I heard his voice in my mind.

Same old bullshit?

Yup, are you taking Essence home?

Yeah, you coming?

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