Chapter 30

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The next morning I feel feathery kisses on my cheek and neck trying to wake me up from my deep slumber. I groan and try to turn away from them but I'm stopped by a pair of strong hands who pull me to face the middle of the bed.

"Good morning babe. You have to get up and go to work." Liam whispers quietly. I groan again as I pulled the covers over my head, the last thing I want to do was go to work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and life in general but I'm exhausted from the long hours of work, chores around the house and having to go to all these events with Liam and all I want to do was stay in bed. After a few moments my better judgement kicks in and I throw the covers off my face and open my eyes to see Liam smiling at me. I smile back weakly and stretch my arms over my head; I don't think I'll ever become a morning person but when I get to wake up next to the love of my life it defintely makes them a little more bearable.

I let the hot shower water massage my tired body as I hum a random tune. After I quickly apply a simple yet professional application of makeup and loosely curl my hair. I put on a mid-length black dress and pair it with nude pumps and some gold bracelets. Being assistant manager at a very high-end fashion boutique in the middle of London make me put a lot of effort into my appearance. It's already mid-October (where has the year gone?) so I grab my red trench coat to wear as I walk to work. Thankfully the store is only a fifteen minute walk from our flat so I don't need to be bothered with a taxi. 

I walk into the kitchen to see Liam in the kitchen making breakfast with nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms on. I stand up on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a satisfactory red lip stick stain. 

"So what do you have planned for today?" Liam asks as he scrambles some eggs on the stove top.

"Well I have work until six tonight and then just come home." I shrugg my shoulders. My days are pretty boring and scheduled, which I don't really mind. "What about you?"

"The boys and I have business meetings all day then we were going to go over to Niall's to watch the football game. I can come pick you up before I go and we can go together...if you're not tired or anything."

"Uh...sure! Thats fine. Oh shit, gotta run I'm going to be late! Love you babe." I rush, giving him one more kiss goodbye and heading towards the door.

"I love you too. Have a good day at work." I hear him call out sweetly before shutting the door behind me.

Three hours into work and I'm already exhausted. Because this store is new and right in the middle of London it's so much busier than the one I worked at back home. All of my coworkers are very nice, but it's pretty obvious when some try to kiss my ass because I'm Liam's girlfriend. They would compliment me all the time and offer to do things for me as if they were expecting something like concert tickets or one of the boys' souls in return. I pass the time by reorganizing some of the purses on the wall when a group of four teenage girls a bit younger than me approach me.

"Um...excuse me are you Marielle?" one of them ask nervously. I nod, slightly intimidated. So far I've had mostly pleasant experiences with Liam's fans so I'm hoping this doesn't become a fiasco.

"Wow, you're even prettier in person! Don't worry we're not here to gush to you about your private life. I'm Kaitlyn and this is Sara, Chloe and Natasha. It's going to be my sweet 16 next week and we're looking for dresses. Do you think you can help us?" I give a mental sigh of relief that they already seem so lovely, so I'm more than willing to help them.

"Of course! Come over here, these are some new dresses we just got." I respond with a smile as I lead them to a rack of dresses. I ask them questions about their style and what they like and I use those answers to help pick out dresses for them. After about an hour of looking and trying on countless dresses I stand with them in the fitting room to see what they've decided on. They're all standing together, eagerly holding out their picks. 

"Oh my goodness you all will look amazing!" I say happily as I evaluate each of their selections.

"Thank you so much, Marielle. You definitely know what you're talking about!" The blonde I now know as Chloe pipes up.

"This is going to be really weird to ask and we totally get it if you say no...but do you think we can get a picture with you?" Kaitlyn asks timidly. Normally, I've been told by my supervisor to politely decline these kinds of offers but something in my heart tells me that I should say yes because they're so nice and not intrusive like some other people have been before. 

"Sure. But we gotta make it quick." I giggle sneakily, hoping to not get caught by my manager. They quickly nod their heads and I use one of their phones to extend my arm out and take a picture of all of us. We all approve the photo and I walk them over to the register to make their transcations. 

"Thank you Marielle! You're seriously the nicest famous person we've ever met!" Kaitlyn says as they all wave goodbye and walk out of the store. Famous person? I'm not a celebrity by any definition of the word so it's weird to hear them call me that. I just shrug my shoulders and continue my work for the next few hours.

I try to fight my exhaustion on Niall's couch as the rest of the boys are surrounding the television set to watch the football match. I don't know which teams were playing and I don't really care all that much. I was never a very sporty person to begin with so I don't follow football as closely as the boys do. Liam has tried to explain the game to me before but it just doesn't entertain me in the slightest so he gave up. I decide to use this time to scroll through Twitter on my phone; I haven't been on in quite some time so it's good to see what's been going on in the world. All of the boys are yelling and cheering at the telly so I quickly snap a picture of it. They all look so invested in the game which I find hilarious so I decide to tweet it. "Boys and their football xx" I caption the picture and tweet it, almost instantly getting hundreds of retweets and replies.

I scroll through my mentions and it's just a lot of people asking for me to follow them and saying they love me which I find really sweet and mostly strange. A One Direction update account apparently found my picture with the girls I met earlier and tweeted it. "Look how sweet @marielleabasi is to help these girls shop at Mode Belle!" It's captioned; wow almost three thous I felt a little apprehesive at the fact they they had just disclosed where I work. The press and fans don't really know why Liam and I moved to London together and even though some fans have seen me at the store before my manager would tell them to not spread it around. But I doubt anyone would deliberately go out of their way to meet me...I'm not a celebrity or anything special like that.

I push the thoughts to the back of my mind and absentmindedly try to watch the football game these boys were so desperately in to. 

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