72: everyone is waiting

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"you know, there's so much beauty in people underestimating you and not seeing you for who you really it makes those that really know you that much more valuable." you said.

"isn't that right, haruchiyo?"

ren stopped for a second to stand up straight, momentarily caught off guard as he didn't know who you were talking about.



he dropped to his knees, and a second later, red began to bloom across the shoulder of his dress shirt.

"arrhhhggggh.." the man let out in pain, bringing his hand to his shoulder and seeing blood coat his fingertips.

"you have a lot to answer for, princess." sanzu said as he emerged from the shadows, his footsteps joining the sound of the other man's pants.

"i know." you replied as he approached.

sanzu was covered in blood. he had a gun in hand, another one holstered at his side, and what looked to be a katana strapped across his back. despite his crazed appearance, he seemed to be somewhat calm.

you thought you would feel relief knowing he was there, but honestly it didn't help much. you had no idea where you stood with them.

sanzu walked over to ren and kicked the shoulder he had just shot, making him cry out in pain and fall to the ground. he zip tied his wrists and ankles together before walking over to you.

you were already staring at him, but he gripped the bottom of your chin to make sure your attention remained on him.

"thanks for the trail of breadcrumbs leading us here. i owe you one, after i teach you a lesson."

your brain was still slightly foggy, so you weren't sure if he meant that to have a sexual undertone or not.

"teach me a lesson?" you asked between your slightly squished cheeks.

"about putting yourself in danger." he elaborated.

sanzu had a fair point.


"...you bitch. how are they here?" the man on the ground seethed through gritted teeth, still managing to glare at you despite his compromised position.

your lips curled up into a small smile.

"oh, it seems like you didn't figure that part out, did you?" you mocked, using his earlier words against him.

"grrhwwuhhh.... tanaka! fetch more men!" he yelled out.

"that won't be happening." ran's voice said from across the warehouse.

a second later, the rest of the lights came on, making you blink a couple times to help your vision adjust.

you turned in the direction of his voice and squinted your eyes, confirming it was indeed ran. he didn't have his usual smile on his face, and it made another streak of fear run through you.

as he came closer, you still couldn't determine what facial expression he was making. he seemed tense in anger, but also a softness in his eyes as he stared at you.

next to you, you heard sanzu open a knife and went to work cutting your tied on your wrists.

"ahh...." you sighed as you rubbed your wrist that had been rubbed raw. he cut the rest of the binds in between your legs and at your ankles.

"can you stand?" he asked when you were finally free.

"yeah..." you said, slowly standing up onto your shaky legs.

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