40: the one

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"what?" takeomi asked. he looked up from his phone to the group in front of him, blissfully unaware of the entire discussion that just went on around him.

"you're taking y/n shopping." koko smiled, sticking his tongue out at the older man.

takeomi looked over at you, raising his scarred eyebrow. you gave him an eyebrow raise of your own, expectantly waiting for his reaction.

letting out a sigh, he locked his phone and slid it into his pants, reaching into his other pocket for a pair of car keys.

"let me go clean out my car first. be back in a few." he said.

"he's cleaning his car? what a gentleman." ran remarked, the group watching his retreating back.

"he probably needs to hide all the booze and throw away his cigarette butts." koko joked before turning his attention towards you. "don't spend all his money y/n. i'll see you later."

"i'll try my best! bye bye~" you waved him off.

"i guess that's our cue to leave." mochi said, nodding to rindou as he went to leave.

instead of ran following, though, he walked over to you. you remained seated as you looked up at him, tilting head to the side in a silent question.

"i hope you have fun." he started, bringing up one of his hands up to cup your cheek. "but don't have too much fun. not without me, at least."

you let out a small chuckle.

"no promises."

ran hummed in amusement as his large palm held your face, his thumb stroking your bottom lip lightly.

you looked up at him through your eyelashes as a lazy grin spread across his face. his eyes fixed on the small strokes he made on your lips. he loved the way your lips were so soft, so plush that bc all he wanted was to see them wrapped around his -

his train of thought was broken by rindou, who had grabbed his arm that held your face.

"we're leaving." rindou told him, trying to pull ran away from you.

ran's gaze slid over to his younger brother out of the corner of his eye, finding amusement in his pissed off expression.

"see you later, love." ran said, giving you one last smile before letting your face go.

the haitanis followed behind mochi by several steps. ran slid his hands into his pockets as he walked next to his younger brother, observing him as he fidgeted with his suit buttons.

"rindou." he called. his voice was quiet enough mochi couldn't hear him.

rindou let out an inaudible huff before looking at his brother, becoming irritated when he saw the stupid grin on his face.

"what?" rindou asked.

"i've been thinking, and -"

"that's rare." rindou mumbled.

"what was that? say it again." ran asked, leaning forward and turning his head a bit to hear him better.

rindou rolled his eyes.

"nevermind. what do you want?" rindou asked, growing impatient with the conversation.

"is she the one?" ran asked.



"what the fuck are you saying?"

"that time a few years ago. is she the one?" ran repeated, observing his brother's expression.

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