17: about time ♡

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warning: smut ahead

"why don't we skip the drinks and just go back to your place?" you asked the man in front of you.

his lips drew into a smirk.

"i knew you'd be eas-" he started before he abruptly stopped talking and gasped for air.

"something wrong?" you asked sweetly.

the man fell to his knees in front of you, clutching his groin. you put your leg back down on the ground as he let out a low moan of pain.

"fff...fuckkk." he let out, trying to catch his breath.

"when a woman says no, she means no. don't ever fucking speak to anyone that way again." you spat before disappearing into the sea of bodies to shake him off.

"you bitch! you weren't that hot anyway, no wonder those guys ditched you!" you heard him yell out from behind you.

you shook off his comment, trying not to take his words to heart. you looked around one last time to make sure he didn't follow you and headed for a more quiet area.

kakucho is asleep at the hotel, and they're all drunk or high...

they'll never know the difference.


you took a deep breath, working up the courage to talk to the girl in front of you.

"excuse me," you said to her. she was on the shorter side and had coral colored hair. "could i use your phone?"

she looked at you suspiciously for a second.

"i lost mine out on the dance floor." you added to make it more believable. it's not like you could tell her that you didn't have a cell phone since the group of criminals you came with destroyed it.

her gaze lingered on you for a second longer but then smiled. "sure!" she pulled her cell phone out of her clutch and handed it to you.

you dialed the familiar number into her phone and pressed call.

you immediately felt nervous. would he pick up if a random phone number was calling him? what if he was already asleep?

what if he didn't want to see you?

you tried to keep your negative thoughts at bay as the line started ringing.

he picked up after the second ring.


all it took was hearing his voice for you to realize how much you missed him. relief filled your chest just from hearing his voice alone.

"hi. it's me." you said, trying to keep your breath steady. your heart was pounding like crazy in anticipation.

you could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "it's about time you called. i was afraid you didn't like me anymore."

a small giggle escaped your lips. "yeah, sorry about that. are you free right now?"

"for you? always."

you bit your lip as you tried to suppress the huge grin plastering on your face.

"where can i pick you up?" he asked.

you gave him the name of the club you were at, and he told you he was on his way. after you hung up, you let out a breath you had been holding in unconsciously.

"thanks for letting me use it." you handed the phone back to the girl.

"no problem. is everything -" she said before pausing since something behind you captured her attention. "oh, i'm sorry, my boyfriend's calling for me. will you be able to get home okay?" she said, her brow furrowed in genuine concern.

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