32: made for each other

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"fuck! this place is huge!" sanzu yelled as they entered the hideout, taking out enemies left and right.

"hey! what are yo-" one guy started but was promptly cut off when he was shot in the thigh by sanzu. the man screamed out in pain, falling to the ground.

"where is she?" sanzu asked, taking a few steps closer to him.

"who?!" the guy shouted, clutching his leg and applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

sanzu's eyes widened, a crazed look passing over them as his patience wore thin.

"the girl!! where is she!" he demanded, waving his gun at the guy on the ground.

"you think any of us are going to tell you bonten bastards? suck on my balls -" he was cut off by another gunshot, this time by kakucho.

kakucho looked at sanzu out of the corner of his eye. "we don't have time for this, we need to get her now."

sanzu cleared his throat, getting a hold of himself. "fan out!" he said to the others, heading down a random hallway in search of you.

"let's go, rindou." ran told his younger brother, both purple headed men heading in another direction.

bonten may have been caught off guard trying to raid the enemy stashhouse with the amount of men they had, but that only meant their hideout had less people waiting there. for the angered executives, it was just an execution on the enemy's home turf.

when you came to, you heard screaming and gunshots. despite panic starting to rise up in your throat, it was hard to concentrate or make sense of where you were or how you got there. your head was pounding, and without even moving your muscles were sore.

they drugged me, you guessed as your head continued to feel foggy.

you were in a dark room, only a small strip of light peeking in through what you assumed was the bottom of the door. you were lying down, and from what it felt like you were on a bed. you moved to get up slowly, but you were immediately met with resistance.

"whaat the..." you said, trying to move your other limbs, only to realize all of them were tied down by rope.

you couldn't really tell what was happening outside either. you managed to put together you were taken hostage and that's why you were tied up... but why all the fighting outside?

even if you were in the enemy's hideout, was it really a guarantee that bonten was the one on the other side of this conflict?

there wasn't a lot you could do other than pray the boss wasn't coming back for you. you could barely remember the car ride, either, but you must have pissed him off for you to get knocked out again.

ugh... you struggled to think of a way to get out of this one.

you came up empty, so you decided to give into the temptation of closing your eyes again. you dozed off despite the noise outside, not finding any concern of what could be happening.


your eyes popped open at the mention of your name. it almost sounded like...

"Y/NNNNNN!" mochi's deep voice boomed. it was far away, but you could still hear it clear as day.

you tried sit up, the rope rubbing your wrists raw.

tears sprang into your eyes out of relief.

they really did come.

you felt relatively certain they would, but this was confirmation you weren't delusional.

"MOCHIIIIII!" you yelled back as loud as you could, but your throat was so scratchy. "MOCHI I'M HERE!"

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