23: alley dawg ♡

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a/n: the title... iykyk 👀 also,

warning: smut ahead

after you managed to calm down, you made your way back to the common room to find koko was back and off the phone.

"are you feeling okay?" koko asked, looking you over. "you look a little pale."

"yeah, i needed to use the restroom." you told him sheepishly. "i guess my stomach was still upset from all the drinking the other day."

you opened the laptop back up and went back to work, acting as if nothing had happened. he continued to watch you, partially out of concern,

partially for his own enjoyment.

she's acting weird, koko thought to himself. although she has been been working all day because of me... i could treat her to a nice break.

"okay, i'm done." you told him, a tight smile on your lips as you showed him.

"wonderful. you were working for a while." koko started.

you hummed in agreement. it was almost dinner time at this point.

"let me take you to dinner as a token of my appreciation." he offered. "you can choose the type of cuisine."

"oh, i don't know -" you started.

"let me do this for you. we can even go shopping afterwards, like we agreed on." koko smiled, recalling the first meaningful conversation you had together. the day he told you he was wrong about you.

he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer. so you agreed. knowing koko, you felt like he would choose a fancy restaurant, but he told you you didn't need to change out of your sweats.

so you found yourself sitting with him in the backseat of a mercedes. of course, he had a driver taking you guys to the restaurant rather than koko just driving himself.

when you arrived at the restaurant, you and koko were let out of the car and made your way to the entrance. based on the people walking in, you felt criminally underdressed in your sweatsuit and self conscious of it.

koko, sensing your discomfort, grabbed your hand and leaned in to whisper into your ear, his warm breath fanning over your sensitive earlobe.

"don't mind how you're dresssed. you look amazing." he said, leaning back to give you his sly smile. "and you're with me, after all."

a giggle slipped passed your lips at his blatant display of arrogance. it was just like him to comfort you like that.

"you're right." you agreed, intertwining your fingers with his as you walked up to the hostess.

when she saw you two, no words needed to be exchanged. all she did was nod in understanding and lead you to a table near the back of the restaurant. there were fewer people around, giving you a bit more privacy.

someone came by to take your drinks order, and you opened the menu to choose what you wanted to eat. when you saw the prices, your eyes widened in horror.

either this place was overpriced as hell, or you were about to have the best damn meal of your life. after living in cities growing up, you wouldn't be surprised if it were the former.

"what do you get when you usually come here?" you asked him.

"i don't know, it's my first time here." he shrugged, taking a sip of his drink that had just arrived.

"how did you know about this place then?" you pressed, also drinking your cocktail as koko perused the entree list.

"an old acquaintance recently opened this restaurant." koko said, keeping his gaze on the menu.

sweet like honey | bonten x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें