22: stray tabby

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the next morning, you sat at a table in the common room, nursing a coffee you brewed using one of the espresso machines they had in the kitchen. you were waiting for koko, who had asked if you would be able to take on another project.

"he asked me to meet this early and he's late?" you mumbled to yourself, glancing at the clock on the wall. koko asked to meet up at 9:00am, but the clock was already 9:17.

not long after your grumbling, said man appeared, dressed in his usual long red coat and matching pants. he carried a briefcase and the same laptop you had used for the mission the night before.

"good morning, koko." you greeted him as he pulled out a chair across from you to sit down.

"good morning, y/n." he said back, giving you the world's smallest smile. "i apologize i'm a few minutes late. are you ready to begin?"

"yeah." you responded as he opened the laptop and powered it on. "what's up?"

"well, i was talking with mikey about our needs as an organization.. and this came up." koko pulled something up on the laptop and spun it around so you could view it. "this is our employee directory."

koko observed your expression as you leaned in to take a closer look at the screen.

what you saw on the screen was a complete disaster. there was a poorly organized sheet filled with employee data. even though you didn't consider yourself a perfectionist, looking at it was painful

"yikes." you murmured without thinking. you looked over at koko to see if he heard you, and to your surprise, he looked amused.

"no, it's bad." he agreed. "which is why i need your help."

"okay.. so what do you want done with this?" you asked hesitantly, having a distinct feeling that this would be a pain in the ass."

"i need you to make it a proper system where we can look up people's information easily." koko paused. "is this something you can do? i know it's not hacking."

you let out a chuckle. "of course i can do it." you stretched out your wrists in preparation. "i don't actually like hacking that much, you know."

koko paused for a second.

"what?" he asked. "but isn't that what you're famous for?"

"yeah, i guess." you said indifferently.

koko didn't really know how to respond to that, and a somewhat awkward silence settled between the two of you.

"alright. it's grind time." you told him, scooping your hair up into a high ponytail.

koko watched, almost mesmerized as you tied your hair up.

i'd love to see that view when she's on her knees...

he shook his head from the perverted thought, but he couldn't deny how true it was. he found when people were doing something they were good out exceptionally hot, and you carried yourself so confidently. you were focusing on the screen now, little dents forming in between your eyebrows from focusing.

you went to work doing what koko asked. he sat there, on his phone or watching you work as the time passed. even though this was something they could've gotten someone else to do, he felt better knowing it would be in your hands.

despite it initially looking like a nightmare, most things were pretty straightforward once you were able to decode whatever the fuck they were doing. a while later, you had everything set up.

"alright, koko. i'm done here." you said, turning the computer towards the executive.

you stretched your arms and reached up to untie your hair, your hair cascading down in a h/c curtain. you clasped your hands behind your head and leaned back into your seat, observing koko as he checked everything.

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