59: let go

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you stood in rindou's kitchen, your eyes wide and lips parted as you stared at each other.

you were no longer dancing together, and he had taken a couple steps back to give you some space. he was unsure of how you'd react, and while he had waited for this moment to happen, you were still trying to process all the information you just heard.

the night you had forgotten came back to you vividly, several emotions hitting you at once.

but honestly, none of that really mattered when he was standing in front of you.

you bit your lower lip in thought, barely hearing him over the pounding of your own heart.

rindou was dying to know what you were thinking, but he could tell you were overwhelmed with emotion. he wanted to reach out and give you a hug or stroke your back soothingly, but he didn't want to rush you or make you feel some weird kind of pressure.

finally, you started to speak.

"rindou.. it's really you?" you whispered.

"it's me." he smiled at you softly.

"...and you said you guys bought that club?" you asked slowly.

he nodded.

"i was hoping you would return if i waited long enough." he replied.

you could tell he was holding back, but you weren't sure really what there was to hold back at this point.

"but what if... you had met someone? or i was with someone?" you pointed out.

"so? that doesn't mean you'll always be with that person. and it's not about sleeping with you. it's about seeing you again... i'm just playing the odds." he grinned.

he sounded so sure of himself, making you respond with a single chuckle.

"but i did end up meeting you again." rindou added.

"when you helped kidnap me?" you asked, trying to sound lighthearted but failing. still, rindou didn't take offense.

"not my best moment." he said. "i didn't know you were you.. if i had, i wouldn't have done those things. but by the time i realized it, things were different. ran was all over you, and i had already fucked up my chances with you."

"wait... so when did you know?" you wondered.

"after your first mission, when i was talking to you and made you explain what you did." he laughed. "then you told me that i needed to respect you since you made me money. your attitude hasn't changed."

that was a while ago... he's known since then?

you weren't sure what you were expecting, but you thought it would've been more recent than that.

"i see.." you said dumbly.

you had to turn away from him as your chest became tight, the gravity of the situation hitting you. one hand gripped his granite countertop for support, you leaned forward to catch your breath.

he had known for a long time, but you had forgotten all about that night.

that night lived in infamy in your mind, but there was so much good that came from it. for the first time in your life, a very handsome stranger approached you, bought you a drink, and spent some time getting to know you. that handsome stranger who turned out to be someone you would end up seeing again.

you would've realized it sooner if you had paid attention, paid attention to why his name was familiar when you heard it or tried to think about the time he commented that you never changed. you even felt a distinct familiarity when you were back at that club when you were with that one guy, hanma. he was wearing glasses similar to rindou's, and ironically enough, you asked him if you had met before.

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