Chapter 28

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What a whirlwind of a trip. Genuinely can't even put into words how fucked up this has been and how fucked up my head is right now.

When Charlotte text Marcus to give him the heads up about what had happened, I had never felt rage like it. And then when I saw her, so beautiful and broken on the bed. I broke myself. I genuinely felt sick to my core thinking about what could have happened to her. My sweet innocent Aurora. Who am I to even say that? I've fucked her up in many ways. Made her life hell for years. I came back to destroy her. But my heart, it flipped when I saw her and I knew everything had changed. I don't know what it meant, but it had changed.

We've been back home a couple days now and I haven't heard from her. Or seen her. But I got Marcus to check in with Charlotte to see how she is. Apparently she's fine. But is that true? I want to see her myself but I really don't have any right. Plus I'll see her at school tomorrow. I hope.

"Ayo bro. You ready?" Marcus shouts up.

"Yeah, let's go."

We're going out tonight. I need to get absolutely obliterated. I don't want to feel the things I'm feeling. I know it's not healthy but I've never been good with my emotions. Plus I've not had a lads night in so long and now that me and Marcus are on the same page again we need it.

The club is bouncing and it's exactly what I need. A beer in one hand and the other on a girls thigh. My bad, I met her like five minutes ago but man is she hot. Plus she's all over me so it's only right to oblige.

"Wanna go dance?" She asks. I don't even know her name.


Do I look like the type of guy to dance?

She doesn't speak again. Round after round of drinks keep pouring in and my chest feels a little lighter.

"How's my girl Charlotte doing?" I ask Marcus who's spent the last 30 minutes on and off his phone. "I thought it was meant to be lads night?"

"It is. Relax. I'm just checking in."

I huff.

"Your actual girl is good to by the way." He smirks.

Son of a bitch.

"What girl?" Rosie asks. That's her name by the way. I thought I'd better ask.

"He's taking the piss. I ain't got no girl, I'm a free man who can do what he wants."

"Oh really? How bout you show me."

See, how can I not oblige?

I grab her by the face and crash my lips onto hers. It's okay. No passion, no aggression. But it's okay. I run my finger up and down her arm and she does the same to me. She starts to kiss down my neck but I pull back.

"Not the neck. Stay on my lips."

She does as she's told and returns to my lips. Her hands start to travel lower and lower until they're at my belt.

"Bro. Seriously you can't be doing that here." Marcus whispers as he looks around at the crowd. No one's watching us though. He's just tripping.

I stick my middle finger up at him and give her the nod of approval. She undoes my belts and slips her hand into my boxers.

Doing shit in public really turns me on, it gives such a thrill, but this? This isn't giving. So, I push her off me.

"What the hell?" She says breathless with swollen pink lips.

"Sorry, me and my bro gotta leave. Don't we?." I nod to Marcus.

"Yep. Gotta run."

And with that I'm out of there like the flash. Marcus doesn't say a word when we get outside but I can sense him staring at me. Once we're in the Uber he opens his big fat mouth.

"Since when do you decline a handjob in public, in the middle of a club."

"Since now."

"Huh." He laughs.

"Got something to say?"

"Nope. Just thinking out loud."


"I'm getting dropped off at Charlotte's so you can pay when you arrive at yours."

Dick. Again.

"Why is Charlotte not with you know who?"

"You know who, really?" He laughs again. "No, they were together earlier but me and Char have business to attend to."

"You're disgusting."

"And you're in denial."

"Okay goodbye now." I fake smile as we pull up in front of  Charlotte's house.

"Don't forget I have your location on." He grins.

Whats that supposed to mean?

The drive from my house is still another 15 minutes. I don't know why we chose a club somewhere so far out of town. Oh no I do. I didn't want to risk seeing anyone I knew.

15 minutes is a really long time isn't it? But you know whose house isn't? Hers. It's only like a 5 minute drive. Maybe I could stop off on the way. I just want to see how she's doing. Yes, I know I'm going to see her tomorrow at school, but she won't look at me let alone talk to me. Whereas if I bombard her at her house she won't really have a choice. Plus I've got unhealthy amount of confidence and stupidity right now with the amount of alcohol flowing through me.

"Change of plan sir. Can we make a quick stop somewhere first?"

Fuck it. What have I actually got to lose. My dignity? Yeah.

I always forget how homely her house looks from the outside. Even though it's dark, they have fairy lights covering their porch. They even have them in the bushes and trees. Their tree house in the garden is so big it sticks out the side. And they have a lovely bench out front that I've sat on too many times watching the snow fall. Theres so many memories here. Good and the bad.

Fuck. Its 1am. Her parents will most definitely be asleep. In fact she'll most likely be asleep. But I didn't come this far not to go in. Time to sneak in like the old times.

Broken. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora