Chapter 9

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There Aurora was, with that douche who saved her from the pool, over in the furthest booth.

"Is it just the two of you?" The waiter asks.

"Actually man, don't worry about it. We can just sit with my friends over there." I point towards the happy couple.

"You want to sit with others?" Rose looks like she could faint.

"Yes, if you don't mind. I know you'll get along with them."

"Uh yeah sure I don't mind."


I take Rose by the hand and practically pull her towards their table.

"Mind if we join?"

Their faces were priceless. Rory's more of a omg I'm going to kill you, what are you doing here and whatever his name is, more of a who the fuck are you and why are you ruining my date.

"And you are?" He speaks.

"I'm Blaze, Rory's friend and this is Rose." I smile as I sit down. Not giving them a choice.

"Okay? Well I'm Ethan and we're kinda in the middle of something."

"Yeah so are we, so we might aswell all sit together."

And just like that he doesn't say another word. Actually not a lot of words are exchanged as we wait for the food to come.

"So Blaze, how do you and Rory know eachother." Ethan asks. His facial expression's telling me he's dying inside.

"Oh me and Rory go way back. We were next door neighbours growing up, so our families were pretty close, meaning we were pretty close." I wink.


This is brilliant.

"And what about you? How do you and Rory know eachother?"

"Oh well we only met yesterday. So this is our first date."

"Cool." I copy him.

"Well this is fun." Rose speaks for the first time since being here.

"Do you and Rory know eachother Rose?" Ethan asks.

"Oh no we don't. I'm not from around here. I live about thirty minutes away. A friend gave me Blazes number and that's how we ended up here."

"Well how about we get to know you Rose, while we wait for our food." I suggest.

"Okay." She squirms.

"Hm. Favourite colour?"

"Red." She laughs.

"Big family?"

"Erm yeah pretty big."

"Hm. Siblings?"

"Yes. 1 sister."

"Is she hot?"

"She's seven."

"Ooo I've got a good one."

"Go for it."

"How much for you to fuck me?"

"Sorry what?"

"Dude that's outrageous." Ethan speaks.

"Didn't ask you. So Rose how bout it?"

"I think I'm going to leave. This is has been, erm something to say the least. Ethan and Rory nice to meet you."

She goes to leave but I'm not finished here.

"Oh one more thing."


"The strangest thing happened to me. A random girl names Rose rang me the other day asking for a date. I didn't know anyone called Rose, or so I thought. Her voice sounded familiar but when she showed me her face, ahhh it clicked. See my old bestie, her name was Rory, had this cousin called Rose and I could of swore she looked exactly like you. So my question is, why all evening have you two pretended not to know eachother?"

I'm not sure what their plans was but I do know it was a shit one. Did they really think they could fool me? You should know by now Aurora. I. Always. Win.

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