Chapter 2

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So a week later and I haven't seen Blaze since but today is the day where I face my fears. Where I have to deal with him for 6 hours of the day. The beginning of the last year of college and of course he chose the one I'm at.

Charlotte seems to think I'm going to be okay and I really hope she's right. I'm just going to keep my head low and hope I don't bump into him because as it seems, he's here for revenge and I don't blame him.

The night before he moved out of town he held a party and somehow Charlotte persuaded me to go. I knew it was a bad idea but she said it would be our goodbye and my last night before peace. Well how she was wrong.

The party started off like any other party. People drinking, dancing, kissing anyone they could and even jumping in the pool. I was actually enjoying myself for once. I did my makeup and curled my hair and actually worse a dress.

Mine and Blazes friendship had been a complicated one for years but once he became best friends with a Marcus; the games begun. Him and Marcus tortured me for years. They spread rumours, they played pranks and they even managed to make me fall for Blaze and then break my heart; as part of a dare I may add. They made my life hell and when I found out Blaze was moving away I couldn't of been happier, but deep down I was hurt, hurt that I was truly losing my bestfriend, even after all the things he did to me. That night though was the last straw. Charlotte and I got into a competition of who could get the most drunk. She wanted me to be wasted so I could end the night happy knowing I'd never have to face Blaze again, but once I was wasted all I wanted was him.

Blaze and Marcus somehow persuaded me to go upstairs as Charlotte was waiting for me, but really she wasn't. I blame myself for trusting them after everything they did. How stupid could I really be?
Once I was in the room some random girl shoved me to the floor and Marcus run in to grab my phone. They then left me locked in the room.

Without my phone and no escape I was stuck in the room for 2 hours. While I was stuck in there Blaze shared all mine and his private messages that I clearly thought were mutual feelings, but it was all part of his game. When a girl passing by the door to go to the bathroom finally heard me, I ran straight down to find Charlotte. I needed to get out of there ASAP. But as I reached the garden, of course I was pushed in the pool. My dress turned see through and everyone pretty much saw everything. I was so mad, the angriest I've ever been. I walked over to Marcus and kneed him in the balls. I know I shouldn't have but I reached boiling point. And there he was, Blaze Daniels laughing his head off with his phone in my hand. I gave him one look before slapping him round the face and throwing his £100 stupid chain into the pool. Everyone around us went silent and Marcus fell to floor in embarrassment. I knew I hurt him but they had hurt me way more.

That was the last time I saw Blaze and I understand why he wants revenge, sure he was embarrassed, but what I did to him doesn't even remotely compare to what he did to me.

Marcus went to the same college as me though. We never really saw each other but went we did we just kept our distance. Without Blaze there he didn't have a reason or a buddy to help bully me. He said the odd word or two but nothing like how it used to be. But now Blaze is home, I'm scared again. I'm so close to finishing college and getting away but if this next year goes how I think it's going to go then I'm screwed.


I cannot wait to see the look of Marcus' face when I turn up to college today. He doesn't know I've moved back yet, I just know he's going to freak out. We've stayed in contact the last three years that I've been gone and he's begged me to come back and visit but I couldn't face it.

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