Chapter 23

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Plan of action. Pair up with Ethan at all costs. I hadn't spoken to him a couple of days, well considering I didn't really have a chance to, so my plan was I needed to be his partner in todays challenge.

We were told to wear gym clothes. I swear we better not be running. Me + running = a big disaster.

"Ok. Morning everyone." Miss Appleby speaks.

"Morning." We all grunt back.

"Todays challenge will be in groups of six." Damn it. "Each team will be given a list of things to complete before the time runs out. This exercise is about working as a team and with people you wouldn't usually work with. This is really going to be about good communication. Okay. Find your teams and get on with it."

She stops talking and Charlotte runs over to me. Of course we're being together. I then see Ethan a couple of metres away and practically drag Charlotte over there.

"Hey wanna work with us?" I smile.

"Yeah that's kind of perfect, because I'm already grouped with two people. So we just need one more."

"Oh great. Who?"

I look around and notice the two males headed in our direction...


"I would rather rip my eyelashes out for the rest of my life than be with him AGAIN."

"Can't get enough of me, can you Rory?" Blaze smirks. Ugh. Standing there leaning against the tree, he looks so good.

"Why would you want to work with them in the first place?" I ask Ethan, completely ignoring Blazes existence.

Charlotte coughs. "Aurora, can I talk to you for a second?"

She pulls me to one side and starts to whisper so no one can hear.

"You have two options here. Number 1. Suck it up and act like you don't give a shit or 2. We find another group but you won't be with Ethan and Blaze will be smug as hell. It's up to you."

She's right. I wanted to work with Ethan. I'm not going to let satin get in the way of that.

We walk over and rejoin the group. I smile and ask if we're ready.

"We just need one more person." Blaze smiles. "Hey Amanda, want to come join?"

Not the bitch I caught him making out with in the bathroom. He knows exactly what he's doing.

Amanda struts over. "Yes of course." She practically swoons. Desperate much. And oh the look on Blazes face. Charlotte was wrong. He was already smug.

"Okay perfect a group of six. Let's see what we have to complete." Charlotte says.

"First on the list is to build shelter." Marcus sighs. "This is going to be a long day."

"Do you reckon we split off in pairs or separately and meet back here in 15 minutes."

"Let's collect in pairs to make it easier, dibs on Rory." Ethan smiles. Thank you lord.

"I guess I'll take Charlotte." Marcus rolls his eyes. Leaving Blaze and Amanda to pair up. Lovely.

Ethan leads the way and I follow behind him. I hope he knows where he's going I don't want to get lost out here, at least it's the middle of the day.

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