Chapter 16

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This place is beautiful! I can definitely feel this is going to be such a relaxing time. The journey was perfect. Not too long but long enough to fit all my favourite songs in. Plus I didn't see Blaze the whole time! It could have been better if I saw Ethan but I'm sure we'll get a chance to meet up over the weekend.

I plonk myself onto my bed and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just so ready to relax you know. I've had so much going on and now we have these exams coming up I just want to chill out."

"Oh yeah I feel you. Let's just watch a movie and have an early night? I'm sure we're gunna be up to a lot tomorrow."

"Yes, good idea."


We're halfway through high school musical when there's a massive bang on our door.

"Who do you think that is?" I ask Charlotte.

"I don't know but let's find out."

She gets up and opens the door to find Ben, a boy from our Science class, stood at the door with a note in his hand.

"Erm, how can we help?"

"There's a party happening at room 408."

"Who's party?"

"I don't know. I just got told to spread the word to a random few rooms and I presumed you girls might wanna get out".

"Oh. Ha. Okay well thanks."

"Hopefully I'll see you there." He winks to Charlotte before walking away.

"He was totally hitting on you!" I scream and she slams the door.

"Omg no he was not."


"Anyway, so are we gunna go?"

"Hell no I said I want to relax, not party."

"True. But pleaseeeeee." She gets on her knees and starts to beg.

"Give me one good reason?"

"I'll be there?" She grins.

"Ugh. Fine let me get dressed."


We arrived to 408 and I can hear the music blasting. I'm surprised no one has snitched to the teachers. We both went for causal clothes because I mean, did anyone actually bring fancy party clothes? I doubt it.

We open the door and it's crowded. The rooms weren't the biggest as it was, let alone about twenty teens filling the room.

I look around and see that there's alcohol covering the tiny bit of shelving we were given. Whoever's party this is, definitely knew to bring a lot of alcohol.

"So are we going to drink?" Char shouts past the music.

"I mean, why not?"

She pours us both a double vodka and lemonade. When I make them they're not too bad but when Char does I swear she adds more than a double shot.

"So much for relaxing, hey?" I laugh as we dance in what little room we have.

"It's fun though!"

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