Chapter 25

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Blaze stuck to his word and is on the other side of the tent by the time I wake up. I didn't sleep much but I definitely got more because Blaze was there.

I hear rustling and I open my eyes a little more and find Ethan leaving the tent. I guess he thinks we're both still asleep and doesn't want to wake us, bless him.

I have no idea what the plan of action today is, but I know Charlotte will want to talk it out. In all honesty I don't know if I'm ready for that, I think I just need some space. Luckily tonight is our last night here so I won't have to keep sharing a room with her. Im sure I can ignore her for 1 day.

"Ayo Blaze." I hear Marcus whisper.

"What?" Blaze replies.

"Can we chat?" I pretend to still be asleep.

"Go for it."

"Why the fuck did you drop me in it like that, last night?"

"I don't know man. I was drunk and you made Rory kiss me and I was just fucked up so I thought I'd do something to piss you off, well everyone off."

"I just don't get it though. I thought you'd enjoy Rory kissing you."

"I told you not to bring Rory up to me in that way, again. So don't."

"Fine. Denial again. But whatever. You really fucked shit up last night man. How is Rory going to forgive Charlotte.?"

"Of course Rory will. Because she forgives everyone."


"You think? I hope so, because Charlottes heartbroken."

"Well so is Rory. And I'm not being funny how many times did I say this wouldn't end well. You should have come clean from the start."

"Yes we know. But it's too late now so we just have to deal with the consequences. I mean obvs I don't care too much because Rory doesn't like me anyway but I want her to forgive Charlotte and it would be nice for her not to hate me."

"God. You make me sick."

"Why?" Marcus laughs.

I start to make subtle movements to show I'm slowly "waking up."

"Imma head our before she wakes, chat to you later."

And just like that he's gone.

"Hi Rory." Blaze rolls his eyes.

I don't reply.

"I know you're pretending to be asleep so you might aswell just stop now."

Fuck sake how does he know me so well.

I sit up with rosy cheeks from embarrassment.

"Hi." I fake smile.

"You look like shit."

"Awh thanks, way to make me feel better."

He laughs. "At leats I'm honest"

Oh he is just loving this.

"Funny Blaze. So funny."

"Seriously though, what are you going to do today, about you know who?"

"I don't know. I think I'm just going to ignore the both of them and deal with it when I'm home."

"Do you think you'll forgive her?"

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