Chapter 10

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How does he know Rose? They've never met before. I thought this plan was fail proof. But yet here I am again, outsmarted by satin himself.

"Nothing to say girlies?" He grins.

"I think it's best I leave too." Ethan stands.

"Don't go." I plead.

"It seems you guys have some things to figure out, erm maybe call me when you're ready for an actual date."

Great. He's ruined my plan and now my date.

"Bye Ethan. Great to meet you." He shouts as Ethan hurries out the restaurant.

"You gunna go too Rose?"

"Fuck you."

Just like that she's gone aswell.

"Tut tut Rory. I thought you could do better."

That's it I'm out of here. I don't need him rubbing it into my face.

I grab my coat and head outside. It's pouring with rain.

"Hey mum. Can you come pick me up?"

"Sure but I can't for 20 minutes? Is that okay?"

"That will have to do. Thanks."

I end the call before she ask questions that I don't have answers for.


"Leave me alone Blaze I mean it."

"Sorry I just think this evening has been a pleasure."

"Blaze. I hate you, you know that? You ruin eveything I do, think or touch."

"I know you do baby and that brings me pleasure aswell."

"You're a psycho." I shout while getting drenched by the downpour that was only getting heavier. "How did you even know it was Rose, you've never met her."

"Because sweetheart, I know everything about you." He smiles. Sick.

The truth is, he probably does. 1. Because we spent so much time together but 2. Because he's probably a stalker.

"Leave. Me. Alone."

"It's not like you and that Ethan guy would have got very far anyway."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Ah he seems too boring for you."

"Don't even start and act like you know who I am anymore."

"Oh but I do. I know the real you. The real, dirty, you. The one who completed her dare and would have gone way further with me if the seven minutes hadn't ended."

"Oh but don't you know?"


"You don't turn me on. So no I wouldn't have."

"So this doesn't turn you on."

He comes up behind me and digs himself into me. I stiffen. He starts to kiss my ear and I shiver.

"Funny enough. I just said it doesn't." I pull away with all my power. "Why would I be attracted to someone who has nothing better to do than ruin my life."

Deep down I know I'll always be turned on by Blaze. He was my first love and that doesn't go away. But he just ruined it all.

"UGH WHERE IS MY MUM?" I shout. "And why are you still here?"

"I'm not actually sure."

He goes to head off but stops in his tracks when I get a phone call.

"Hey mum where are you?"


"Mum what is it? What's happened?"

"It's Rose."

I can't breathe.

"What, mum?"

"She had an accident on the way home and"

"No don't say it."

"The ambulance arrived on scene and they did everything that they could, but she's gone baby."

I don't hear the rest of the phone call. I drop the phone and myself to the floor. I'm hysteric. The tears won't stop and I can't see or breathe anymore. This is my fault. I killed my cousin. One of my best friends.

I can hear Blaze speaking to me, but I don't know what he's saying. I don't want to think anymore. I just, hate myself.

Broken. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن