Chapter 19

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We've been walking for thirty minutes and still the town is pretty dead. There's a couple of little shops and a bed and breakfast. But other than that there's not much. I've been on the look out for some taxis or even a bus stop but we're yet to find anything.

"I can't see, Blaze" I laugh.

"What do you mean you cant see?"

"I mean, I'm so drunk that my vision has now gone blurry."

"Oh great. So now I've got to have eyes for the both of us." He laughs.

"I suppose you do."

"Oh wait look over there!" Blaze points to an information and help building before practically dragging me along by my arm. "You wait outside while I speak to someone."

I do as I'm told and stay exactly put.

"Hey there gorgeous." Some random older man approaches me.

"Oh hi." I say awkwardly.

"What's a young girl like you doing out here all alone?" He questions while getting a little closer.

"I'm not alone." I panic. "My boyfriends just inside getting some help."

"I can help you." He smiles and takes another step closer.

"Erm can I help YOU?" Blaze says aggressively as he approaches us. Thank goodness.

The random man looks Blaze up and down. And although he may be a 'kid' he sure as hell isn't built like one.

"Oh no problems here. I was just leaving."

"Yeah good idea buddy."

The man quickly hurries off and Blaze looks at me in confusion.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I wasn't until you got back." I blush. Only I want to say I'm glad you're here because god knows what would of happened if you weren't.

"Okay good because you're not going to be happy in a minute."

"And why not?"

"So erm. There's a massive storm brewing which should be happening any minute. All transport has been told to stay home until tomorrow morning."

"What? Please say you're joking?" I start to panic now. Where will we stay?

"Unfortunately I'm not joking. So we've got no choice but to stay at the bed and breakfast down the road."

"I might cry."

"Please don't." He laughs. "I got the lady who helped me to ring the school to try and contact the lodge to let them know where we are and that we can't make it back. I mean I'm sure they're not going to be best pleased but they are the ones who abandoned us in the middle of no where."

"True." I hysterically laugh.

Blaze leads the way to the bed and breakfast. I mean I can see it (kinda) because this town is so small nothing is too far away. It was quite a dingy little place when we entered. There wasn't much noise inside so it would be easy to sleep but I don't know if that's a good thing because maybe no one stays here because it's that bad.

There's an old creepy looking women sat at the front desk reading a newspaper. She has a sign that says ring the bell for help, so that's what we do.

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