Chapter 5

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I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It was a huge mistake but it brings me back to the good times. The time when Blaze was the closest person to me. When we would spend every waking hour with each-other. When we had our first kiss...

4 years ago

"This movie is so bad Rory. I hate how you make me watch it every Friday." Blaze sighed as we led on my bed watching 'wild child'
"Oh come on Blaze, I know you secretly love it."
"No R I don't. I watch it every Friday for YOU."
"Awh thanks, you're the bestest friend ever... Blaze?"
"Do you think I'll find a Freddy one day."
"Of course. You may have already met him."
"I doubt it. I'm only thirteen. Plus I haven't even kissed anyone so no one is going to want to kiss me."
"I haven't kissed anyone either R, it's not a big deal."
"You're right it's not."
"I could kiss you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I know you're nervous for your first kiss. So why don't I just kiss you so it's out of the way."
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"I'd do anything for you Rory. You know that."
"I know and same here. Okay. Let's kiss."

The kiss was short and sweet but it was perfect. At the time I thought it was no big deal. But it started everything... and the rest was history.

But this kiss, this was different. It was stupid of me and I really hope he doesn't use it against me. He hasn't yet, maybe he doesn't want anyone to know?

Charlotte was speechless when I told her. She said "I'm shocked it happened this quick but I'm not shocked it happened." Like what is that suppose to mean? It was a complete shock to me and I think it was to Blaze too. This was not part of the plan. I needed to get back on track. I needed to be prepared for his next move and I needed help.

"Heyyyy Rose" I spoke as my cousin answered the phone.

"What do you want?" She laughed.

"I need a favour."

"And what would this favour be?"

"So, you remember Blaze?"

"Ugh that arsehole who broke your heart how could I forget?"

"Yeah... anyway he's back in town and he wants revenge."

"He's WHAT?"

"I know. This is why I need a favour. I need you to go on a date with him."

"Ha. Funny."

"I'm being serious Rose. I need you to go on a date with him and leave half way through and then we make up some absurd rumour about him."

"Is he worth it?"

"Rose. He ruined my life. He's still trying to, I have to do something. He's done a lot worse to me."

"Okay. I'm in. I'm not the biggest fan of hurting others but he is one horrid boy. Good looking but so horrid."

"Rose." I laugh.

"Sorry he is undeniably attractive though."

"I know, I know. Anyway, I'll text you with the deets."

"Okay gorg. Speak to you later."

"THANKYOU BYE." I shout down the phone.

Plan 1, in action. And just in time for college.


"Morning R."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, feel like shit but I'm good."

"Oh no, are you getting ill? But it's Halloween soon you need to be better."

"I know don't remind me or I will cry."

"What are we dressing up as?"

"Devil and an angel. We know which one you are after your little shindig with you know who."


I open my locker only to have a note fall onto the floor.

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure, let's open it."

Dear Aurora,
There's a Halloween party at Dans this weekend. I really hope you can make it. I'll be dressed as a devil I'll be waiting for you. Meet by the pool at 7.30 sharp. All will be revealed, beautiful.

Yours sincerely,
Devil man.

"'Devil man' is so cringe."

"True. But other than that, someone wants to meet you and hang out at this party! That could be amazing Rory."

"Seems kinda sketchy, no?"

"Not everything is a game. It seems like a sincere letter to me. Ooooo I wonder who it could be. You have to go and meet him."

"I can't."

"And why not?"

"Because I don't want to." I laugh.

"Wow good excuse."

"I just don't trust it Charlotte."

"Okay. So don't trust it. Just go and be aware."

"I'll think about it. Come on let's get to Media."

Was this another one of his doings? I guess there was only one way to find out.

I'll see you there, devil man.

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