Chapter 6

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I really didn't trust this idea of someone meeting me at the party, but with Charlotte being ill it's not like I had anything else to do.

I hadn't been to a Halloween party in years. Do people even dress up these days? Well I know devil man is, so I suppose I will. I hope he doesn't think that I'm going as a devil to match him, because I'm really not. That would just be awkward. That's like couple shit.

College the past week has been the most stressful yet. Exam after exam. I knew the workload would be a step up from high school but wow. I mean, with the amount of revision I did I'm sure I'll do fine. I never really fail tests. I don't know if that's because I'm natural intelligent or just because I work my butt of doing extra revision. So after the week I've had, I deserve to go and have fun. Let off a little steam.

A devil. Typical Halloween costume. There will probably be twenty other devils but it's just so easy to do. A red lace bodysuit in a red skort with some devil horns and you're done. I decided to even wear red heels and a matching red lip. I basically looked like a tomato, but hopefully a sexy one at least.

The time was approaching for me to leave and the nerves were really starting to kick in. I can't remember the last time I went to a party without Charlotte. I mean, I'm literally going alone. Hopefully there will be someone I know going.

Mum drops me off at Dans and I can't like the place looks amazing. It's dark out so the house already looks eery, especially by the size of it. But the decorations just take it that one step further. I don't believe in ghosts but this house would definitely be good in a horror movie.

"Bye mum." I say as I go to slam the door.
"Bye baby be careful, okay?"
"I will mum. Who's picking me up?"
"Not sure. Either me or dad."
"Okay. See you later."

She drives off and I'm left on the side of the road standing at would could possibly be the worst ideas of my life.

The inside of the house is just as decorative as the outside. They definitely know how to go all out. It felt so weird just turning up to a party with an invite from someone unknown. But I'll soon find out who this 'devil man' is.

There's a mixture of costumes as I walk around the place. From grim reaper to fairy princesses, and of course a lot of angel and devils. It was nearly time to meet whoever this was by the pool and I was not prepared. A quick touch up in the bathroom should do it.

I couldn't believe it when even the bathroom was decorated. Not one inch of the house was left untouched. I patted on some powder and added more gloss to hopefully give me more of a confidence boost.

It's now 7.35 and I've been stood by the pool for exactly seven minutes. He's been a no show. Maybe he's just running late I tell myself. You know, quickly using the bathroom or something but as time passes by I know he's not coming; or maybe he never even existed. That's when I see him. The one and only Marcus. He comes running out and before I can react he pushes me into the pool. Everything goes black for a millisecond under the water but then I'm back to surface surrounded by laughing faces, left, right and centre.

I wasn't the best swimmer and the one person who knew that was Blaze. He tried to help me one summer but I just never got it.

The laughter grew as I bobbed up and down. My hair soaking wet and my clothes sticking to my body. Phones and flashes happened every second and I just knew this would be round the whole campus within five minutes.

"Do you need some help?" A voice shouted.

I didn't reply. I didn't move or flinch. I was so embarrassed and so ashamed that I let him win another round.

I was brought out of thought when I felt my body being pulled out of the water. I had never seen the person before.

"Thankyou." I practically cried.

He carried me all the way round to the front garden and helped me into his car in complete silence.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat in the drivers seat.

"No." I laughed.

"I'm Ethan by the way."

"I'm Aurora. Sorry we had to meet like this."

"Oh well. At least we've met now."

"True. Ugh I'm so embarrassed."

"It's fine. I'm sure something else will happen at this party that people will care about more."

"Oh I hope so."

"So where am I taking you, Aurora?"

"To get coffee? Sorry I just need to warm up and don't feel like going home yet."

"Coffee it is."

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