Chapter 20

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"Good morning beautiful." Blaze whispers in my ear as he cuddles me from behind.

Sorry. What?

I turn over and the sunlight is beaming in on his face. He looked gorgeous. His messy hair and tired eyes. I'd never seen him so real.


"Last night was amazing."

Last night? What us going to sleep?

"Last night?"

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want but just know, I'm glad we finally did it."

"Blaze I have no idea what you're going on about."

"Let me refresh your memory."

Blaze leans over and smacks his lips onto mine. He was so passionate, like he had never kissed anyone before. It was incredible.

"You don't know how long I've wanted this for Rory."

My heart breaks and the kiss quickly ends as I roll over and my eyes open. It was a dream. I wipe my eyes as I feel them watering. I had no idea why I was crying. But it felt so real. Felt so nice. It was how I pictured our future when we were young. But it was all a lie. All a fantasy.

"You okay?" Blaze asks as he wakes up to my sniffling. His body is wrapped around me and he doesn't move. I guess that's what egged on the dream.

"Yeah. Hayfever."  I don't move either. I want to stay this way for as long as I can. To pretend the dream was real, even just for a second.

Suddenly he untangles our bodies and rolls over. "How did you sleep?" He clears his throat.

"Okay, I guess." Amazing actually. I'm gutted I ever woke up.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I just had a really nice dream I didn't want to wake up from." I slightly smile.

"Let me guess. We were safe and sound back at the lodge. You were chilling with Charlotte but most importantly you were far far, away from me."

Couldn't be further from the truth.

"Yeah something like that." I laugh.

There's two little knocks at the door and a women whispers house keeping. Blaze eyes widen as he heads for the door.

"Housekeeping, in this place?" He laughs quietly.

"Morning Sir." The women from the front desk sighs.


"Your teachers have arrived and are waiting out front for you. They told me to tell you to hurry up."

"Okay thankyou." He practically slams the door in her face.

"Us, to hurry up? They literally left their students in the middle of nowhere. They can't be for real?" I laugh.

"I guess our little time together is over." He kinda frowns.

It has been quite nice actually. It's been an adventure and it was nice to have little glimpses of the old us. Maybe one day we could get there. To be friends again but that won't happen until we have a serious chat. And the chances of that happening are very unlikely.

"Well partner, it's been a blast." I strut over to him and hold out my hand for him to shake.

He smiles.

"Thankyou for being my pregnant girlfriend. I couldn't have asked or a better one." He shakes my hand back. "Then again. You didn't look very pregnant, naked in the shower." He laughs pulling me slightly closer.

"Blaze. I'm going to punch you."

He just laughs. Still holding on to my hand.

"Blaze?" I look at the floor.


"You're not going to use you seeing me naked against me are you?"

"No Rory." He frowns.

"Thankyou." I squeeze his hand and finally let go. I'm nearly taken back, with how sad I feel without him.

"Let's go give these teachers a peace of our minds." He laughs and leads the way.

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