Chapter 23: For the fate of Earthrealm.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes.

A/N: Also, I have to ask this. Should sindel be in the harem?



A/N: Let me know by writing your comment on the word or just say yer or no, the vote will close this Sunday, and we'll see the result. Anyways, onto the story.

3rd POV: Spiderman kept his focus on the emperor of Outworld. The man was dangerous. He had an aura of arrogance, but with the arrogance, there was also assurance, assurance that spidey had seen from many of his rogues gallery, that they believed that they had the upper hand, that they were stronger and smarter than him. However, if there was one thing that Shao Khan had in common with the rest of his rogues, is that their arrogance will be their downfall and that he will always prevail at the end of the day.

Spiderman could feel the gazes of his fellow allies and the opposition. They had stopped their battles and were all focused on the battle between Outworld's ruler and the spider totem. Peter risked a glance at chasm, seeing his clone staring back at him, his arms crossed, his stance looking nonchalant but was actually tensed, watching, waiting for either him or shao Khan to make the first move.

Shao Khan extended his arm out, and a green glow enveloped his hand before a hammer materialised in front of it. Shao Khan grabbed the hammer and heaved it onto his shoulder. Spiderman responded by clenching hid fists and felt his stingers pierce through his skin and reveal themselves to the world.

'I need to play this carefully, I doubt this guy has been in a position of power thanks to being a muscle head.' Spiderman thought, burying his feet into the sand as he shifted into a ready stance to which the Outworld emperor imitated.

It wasn't long before one of the kombatants acted. Shao Khan ran to the wallcrawler, his hammer raised in the air as he yelled before slamming down on Spiderman. The spider hero's spidey sense tingled, and he rolled to the left side, avoiding the hammer slam before leaning back as shao Khan wasted no time and went for a side swing. Spiderman took the chance to jump at shao Khan, stabbing his stingers into the emperor's stomach, but the Khan either ignored the pain or didn't feel it as shao Khan grabbed ond of the spider's arm and yanked the singer out of his stomach before he backhanded spiderman, causing the totem to stagger, his other stinger sliding out of the Khan's stomach.

Shao Khan then grabbed Spiderman by his throat and lifted him up into the air, strangling the reincarnation of anansi. Shao Khan laughed before spinning with the hero in hand before throwing him into the bars of a cage. Spiderman manoeuvred himself mid air, his feet scraping on the ground until he eventually came to the stop, his back inches from the cage where a wild animal was smashing against the bars trying to get at the Web warrior. Shao khan's hammer transformed into a spear, and the Khan threw it towards the wallcrawler who, upon seeing it, caught mid-air, the tip of the spear inches from his chest.

Spiderman turned his attention from the spear to the Outoworlder, his head tilted to the side in a way of saying 'nice try' towards the Khan but paused when he saw said Khan smirking. Spidey wondered why before his spidey sense rang, and he looked back down at the spear to see it glowing and ominous green and, without thinking, threw it away from him just as it exploded.

'That was close.' Spiderman thought, a mental sigh of relief. His spidey sense rang once again, and he turned to see an approaching Shao Khan. Spiderman dodged the multiple attacks by shao Khan before, trying to get an opening before getting an idea. Just as shao Khan threw another punch, Spiderman decided to tank the blow and throw his own against the emperor.

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