🕊 His Saani & more 🕊

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Character Aesthetics


His Saani was supposed to be an intense and passionate romance but as always I ended up writing the story in a whole different way. But honestly, it was a nice experience.
Through this book, the fictional land of Awadh got some physical elements. Like Meghavali range. The influence of brothels. And of course, the politics of Awadh.

Please do watch the reels I've posted on Instagram. I'd be making memes too. And follow me there, if possible. I'm in a dire need of followers.

And I made a Sona Rafiq fanpage yesterday! And I tagged her in the story and she added it to her story too. It feels so good! First she added two edits of mine to her story back in July. Then Maya Ali liked my reel. Then Alyana Shamsi too added my reel to her story. Ah, I feel like a celebrity!

Enough of my rant. I'm not sure if I will write the next story in the series first or work on some other story. So I'll take some time figuring that out. But don't worry I can't stay away from Wattpad for too long.

Bye 👋

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