🕊 Fourteen • Coos And Giggles 🕊

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In the cozy bathroom of their family home, Abhimanyu and Sahana prepared for another joyful yet slightly chaotic bath time for the twins, Abhimaan and Abhiraj. The room was filled with the sweet scent of baby soap and echoed with the sound of delighted gurgles from the little ones.

Abhimaan and Abhiraj, perched on their little bath seats, kicked their legs in excitement, splashing the water and sending droplets everywhere. The room was a playful blend of baby giggles and bubbling water, a reflection of the happiness they brought to their parents' lives.

Abhimanyu dipped his hand in the warm bathwater, testing it for the right temperature. "Perfect," he proclaimed, flashing a grin at Sahana as he poured water over Abhiraj's tiny head.

Sahana chuckled, her heart swelling with affection for her husband and their children. "Abhi, I must say you're pretty good at this."

Abhimanyu's eyes sparkled with mischief. He leaned closer to Sahana, their faces inches apart, and with a flirtatious grin, he whispered, "Well, I've had the best teacher."

Sahana's cheeks turned a rosy shade, and she playfully swatted his arm. "You, Mr. Abhimanyu Raval, are quite the charmer, even in a bathroom full of babies."

Their laughter filled the room, followed by the twins' delighted coos and giggles.

Abhimaan, not one to be outdone by his parents' playful exchange, decided to join in the fun. He grabbed a nearby rubber duck and, with all his baby might, sent it splashing into the water, creating a miniature tidal wave. This, of course, prompted a chorus of delighted laughter from his brother and the adults.

Abhiraj, in all his adorable innocence, seemed to be enjoying the watery chaos immensely. He clapped his tiny hands and kicked his feet, showering everyone in his surroundings with droplets of bathwater.

"Ah, my little water warriors," Abhimanyu mused, gently reaching for Abhimaan and lifting him from his seat. He carefully cradled him in one arm while continuing to playfully splash water with the other.

Sahana reached for Abhiraj and joined in the playful water battle. Abhimaan and Abhiraj laughed and cooed, seemingly having the time of their lives as their parents played alongside them.

As the bath time fun continued, Abhimanyu couldn't help but admire his beautiful wife. The way her eyes sparkled as they exchanged smiles, the gentle touch of her fingers as she played with their children, and the sweet sound of her laughter filled his heart with warmth. He was immensely grateful for the happiness she had brought into his life, for the family they were building together.

He leaned over to give Sahana a soft and affectionate kiss. The twins, still in their baby bliss, cooed and clapped as if celebrating the moment.

Sahana, touched by her husband's gesture, gazed at him with adoration in her eyes. "Abhi, I love our little family," she whispered.

Abhimanyu's heart swelled with love as he held his family close in that warm, water-splashed bathroom. "I love it too," he replied, "and I love you."


The soft glow of a nightlight cast a gentle, warm light in the room, creating a peaceful ambiance. Abhimaan lay in his crib, restless and feverish, his little forehead warm to the touch. Abhiraj was quietly observing his twin, his innocent eyes curious about his brother's discomfort.

Sahana sat on a rocking chair next to the crib, her eyes filled with worry as she stroked Abhimaan's hair and placed a cool cloth on his forehead. She could feel the heat emanating from his tiny body, and it tugged at her heartstrings.

Abhimanyu, equally concerned, hovered nearby, watching over his son. He couldn't help but feel a pang of helplessness seeing Abhimaan in distress. His tiny frame seemed even smaller in the crib.

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