🕊 Nine • Her Birthday 🕊

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Abhimanyu, clad in the tea green kurta lovingly gifted by Sahana, entered Kismet, the dimly lit club known for its reputation in the elite class. His presence in such a place was an edge case that didn't go unnoticed. He couldn't help but notice the curious glances and raised eyebrows from the patrons, thanks to the kurta he was wearing. It wasn't every day that one spotted a respected politician in such a setting. However, Abhimanyu paid little attention to their curiosity; he had a specific purpose for being here—to retrieve his slightly drunk wife.

Sahana sat gracefully perched on a barstool in the bustling bar area. Her long, lustrous hair cascaded over one shoulder, framing her face. She was adorned in a striking silver short dress, which accentuated her beauty amidst the dim, sensual lighting of the club.

Abhimanyu approached her with a gentle smile and took a seat beside her. His presence was a calming force amidst the lively and chaotic ambiance of the club.

"Happy Birthday, Wifey," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her bare shoulder, which sent a shiver down her spine.

Sahana turned to look at him, her deep brown eyes a bit hazy from the wine she was sipping. She hesitated for a moment before replying, "Are you upset with me?"

Abhimanyu was perplexed. He couldn't understand why Sahana had chosen to spend the night before her birthday in Kismet, of all places. He leaned in closer and gently asked, "I'm not upset with you, Saani. But why are you sad?"

Sahana took another sip of her red wine before answering, "You know, it's been six months since our wedding. And today, holding Di's newly born baby girl in my arms, just made me feel the desire to have our own child."

Angana had recently given birth to her first child, a daughter named Raghini. This little addition to their family had immediately become the center of attention, particularly for Sahana.

Abhimanyu, his heart filled with love and compassion, reassured her, "Saani, we will have our own baby. It's about time, and we've talked about this."

Sahana, her voice quivering with longing, said, "I can't wait anymore, Abhi. It's like a void that I can't ignore."

In a soft, comforting tone, Abhimanyu assured her, "Alright, we'll visit a doctor in a few days and seek advice. We'll go through this together."

Sahana smiled, a glimmer of hope and excitement in her eyes, and replied, "Thank you, Abhi. That means everything to me."

As the clock struck midnight, marking the beginning of Sahana's twenty-sixth birthday, Abhimanyu couldn't help but think about the years they had ahead of them as a couple, and the possibility of becoming parents.

Gently touching her arm, he said, "Happy birthday, Saani. It's your day today. Should we head back home now? Your cousins and friends will surely want to see you."

Sahana, a tinge of exhaustion in her voice, groaned in response, "Please pick me in your arms, Abhi. My feet hurt from these damn heels. I'll never wear them again."

Abhimanyu smiled and couldn't help but admire her even more. He bent down and scooped her up in his arms, her laughter echoing through the club as they left behind the enticing allure of Kismet.

Together, they walked to his car, parked nearby, and began the drive back to their penthouse, while being followed by the security. The city's vibrant lights served as the backdrop to the beginning of another year in Sahana's life, one that would undoubtedly hold more love, laughter, and shared moments with her husband.


The next morning arrived with a gentle glow of sunshine filtering through the large windows of their penthouse. As the soft rays painted their bedroom in a warm embrace, Sahana slowly stirred from her slumber, a mild discomfort nagging at her. She groaned and opened her eyes, realizing that it was her twenty-sixth birthday.

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