🕊 Eleven • Anguish and Anger 🕊

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The sun bathed the elegant Raval villa in a warm golden glow, casting a serene atmosphere on the luxurious residence. The magnificent house had always been an epitome of love, care, and a sense of belonging. Its walls had witnessed laughter, joys, and the building of countless memories for generations.

Abhimanyu and Sahana had moved back into the Raval villa. It was a decision rooted in practicality as Sahana entered her third trimester, and Kamini, Abhimanyu's mother, insisted on taking care of her daughter-in-law in the most loving way.

One afternoon, Sahana and Kamini sat in the spacious living room, surrounded by the comforting ambiance of their family home. The melodious tunes of a classic Indian song played softly in the background, filling the room with a soothing melody.

As they sipped on cups of fragrant masala tea, Sahana and Kamini exchanged stories, laughter, and the infinite bond of trust. Kamini, a woman with wisdom that seemed to transcend time, had been an epitome of grace and strength. She was there to provide Sahana with guidance and support as she navigated the unique journey of pregnancy.

The news channel played on the TV in the background, an unobtrusive presence that caught their attention as the headlines flashed across the screen. Kamini's gaze sharpened as she listened to the urgent tone of the news anchor.

"Breaking news! Chief Minister Abhimanyu Raval has been shot while addressing a public gathering in the heart of the city. Details are still emerging, but it appears to be a targeted attack. He has been rushed to City Hospital. Stay tuned for updates."

The words hung in the air, an ominous cloud of uncertainty. Sahana's heart raced, and she felt a surge of panic as she realized that her husband, the love of her life, was in danger. Kamini's face paled, her eyes mirroring the fear.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kamini placed her cup on the coffee table and rose from her chair. She extended her hand to Sahana, her voice steady but laden with concern. "Come, we need to go to the hospital. We must be with Abhimanyu."

Sahana, in her third trimester, struggled to rise from her seat, her emotions in turmoil. Hormones surged through her body, heightening her vulnerability and intensifying her fears. But she couldn't let fear consume her. She was a part of the Raval family, and she needed to be strong for her husband.

With Kamini's support, Sahana made her way to the car. The drive to the hospital was tense and fraught with silence. Each moment felt like an eternity, and thoughts of Abhimanyu's safety raced through their minds. Sahana clutched her belly protectively, as if shielding their unborn child from the harsh realities of the world.

The hospital loomed in front of them. Sahana held onto Kamini's arm, her grasp firm and unyielding. Together, they entered the hospital. They were directed to the ICU, where the medical staff was in a frenzy of activity, attending to the wounded chief minister.

Abhimanyu lay on a hospital bed, his face pale, his body marred by a gunshot wound. Tubes and monitors surrounded him, evidence of the battle he was fighting to stay alive. Sahana felt her breath catch in her throat, her heart aching at the sight of her husband in pain.

Kamini approached the attending doctor, seeking answers, information that would offer some solace. The doctor, a seasoned professional, explained the situation. Abhimanyu had undergone emergency surgery, and the next few hours were crucial. The bullet had caused significant damage, and the medical team was working tirelessly to ensure his recovery.

Sahana, her emotions raw, stood beside Abhimanyu's bedside. She reached out to touch his hand, her touch gentle and filled with love. Tears welled in her eyes as she whispered to him, her voice trembling. "You're going to be okay, Abhi. You have to be strong for our child. We need you."

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