4/5 Perth - Your return

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Perth's POV

The first few days I was a complete mess. I wasn't able to go even to the grocery store and starved. I had insomnia and sleeping bags under my eyes. I was barely able to go to the toilet so when someone rang on the bell of my door, I was really irritated.

"Ahh, I'm coming..." I crawled on the floor to open the door. When I opened it, I saw a familiar face... the face I didn't want to see the most now.

"P-Perth... I'm sorry, I..."

"Go to hell!" I wanted to close the door but he was stronger than me in my current state.

"The fuck do you want from me, Chimon?! I gave you my heart and you shattered it into pieces!" He was upset and hid a bag with food behind his back.

"I know that I hurt you... I know it... but I was seriously worried about you, Perth... you haven't been talking to anyone, not even to Ohm... and looking at you, you haven't eaten for a few days. Let me take care of you..."

"Don't pity me. This is your work. I'll take the food but you'll disappear from my eyes..." I said with my last strength before I closed my eyes and heard him calling my name.

The next time I opened my eyes, I felt a wet cloth on my body. He was just cleaning the skin on my collarbone and forehead.

I found some strength and slapped his hand.

"Stop trying... you won't fix it..."

"You don't plan to die of broken heart, are you?!"

"I'm surprised that you know what that is... ouch..." He pinched my ear and moved a bowl with rice porridge to my mouth.

"Eat it." I wanted to reject him but I was really hungry. He was feeding me with a spoon and I quickly ate it. The food has never tasted this good.

"You should just let me die when you don't care about me..."

"I know that you are angry with me... I'm angry with myself too. You've awoken feelings that I've been missing for so long and I was scared of it so I rather cut ties with you till it'd be too late but as I lost you... I felt so terrible. Everything stopped making sense and I couldn't even focus on my studies. I felt so empty without your and I didn't even care about my grades anymore... I failed my two exams as I was still thinking about you and had to see for myself how you are." He didn't seem to lie but I still didn't feel good about what he just said.

"Did Ohm send you? Or are you serious right now?" He gulped.

"Ohm didn't even bother to visit you. I came on my own." He poured a juice into my glass and helped me drink it.

"Do you think this is gonna fix what you told me?"

"No... but I'd like to ask you for a second chance... I was an idiot to think I don't need you, Perth..."

"I won't give it to you so easily." I saw a little smile on his face.

"And? What do you want me to do?"

"At first, clean this mess after me. It's your fault too." He nodded and seriously became my servant. He washed my dirty clothes, mopped the floor, took the rubbish out, vacuumen the carpet, cleaned the windows and the dust on my furniture and even finished the projects I didn't do for school.

He spent two whole days in my condo and took care of me. He didn't look into his books even for a second and I started genuinely believe him. This Chimon... was much more likable that the know-it-all one.

He lied next to me on the bed and I heard him talking from his sleep.

"I love you, Perth... I'm so sorry... I was stupid... please, forgive me..." He even cried and I wiped the tears off his eyes but he woke up and turned to me.

"You still don't sleep..."

"Who would when you talk so loudly..." He looked away and looked really shy for the first time. Fuck! what is he doing to me again?!

"Also... I've noticed that you destroyed all memories of me..."

"You wanted to cut me of your life, what was I supposed to do?"

"I've... overdone it! The way you made me feel... really scared me. At first it was just physical but it didn't play with my mind... than I started to be more attached to you. After every sex we've become closer and closer... I'm not used to this, Perth... you know that my only friend was Nanon for a very long time and that was just because of our fathers... You were the first to notice me without having any connection to me but I wasn't ready to open my heart for you..."

"When..." He turned to me again.

"When did you realize it?" He stayed quiet for a while.

"At the party... after you left I felt so freaking lonely... everyone were experiencing... love while I... chased you away." He was really anxious talking about his feelings. It was cute.

"And now you know what do you feel towards me? Tell me and maybe I'll forgive you."

"I like you... Perth..."

"Not enough. Tell me what you said in your sleep." I won't let this chance pass. Now that he's opening up...

"I... I love you, Perth..." He really said it! I had to cover my face with my hands. It totally got me off guard!

"Perth?" I finally had the strength in my hands I needed and climbed on his top.

"Repeat it."

"What? No. You aren't deaf." I sniff kissed him and he started giggling.

"Hahah... it tickles..."

"Say it!" I sniff kissed him again. I continued until he spoke up.

"Fine, fine!" I stopped and waited for his lips to move.

"I love you, Perth... seriously..." My heart beat fast. I could hear his loud heartbeat as well and then... my lips fell down on his. It was so long... so long that tears streamed down my face when I recognized his soft touch. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me more deeply. If we weren't so exhausted from talking about our feelings, we'd make sure to remember all of our touches and warmth of our bodies.

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