3/7 Ohm-Nanon - Feeling good (18+)

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Ohm's POV

We've waited for another few minutes but after even Perth left with his sorry ass, it was a drag.

"Nanon, don't you want to make this party alive? It's pretty dead right now." I whispered to his ear and he grabbed his glass of wine.

"Are you sure about that? Things haven't been the same after you kissed me and ran away like a brat. If we fuck, we can never go back to being enemies." I smirked.

"Who said I want to be your enemy? I know you've been after me for a longer time." He broke the glass with his grip.

"Are you kidding me? I was just making sure you weren't step ahead of me." His thumb was bleeding and I put his finger into my mouth. I licked the blood and he immediately pulled his finger out.

"Don't be so cocky! That's exactly what I hate about you!"

"Oh please, you love it!" He finally turned his head to look into my eyes.

"You've asked for this yourself! But know that I'm topping you!" Is making him angry a way to turn him on? I gotta write this down.
We've left everyone in shock and Nanon aggressively pushed me into the narrow closet.

"Shouldn't we wait for the game to begin?"

"And you really think others have the nerve to disturb us?" He closed the closet and started taking his clothes off.

I've never seen his bare body so close and even in the dark I could see how hard his nipples were. I pushed him closer to my body and sucked one nipple after another.

When he moaned just from this, I lift him up to make him lie on top of me. Our legs were intertwined. I felt his knee touching my main weapon while I was sucking his neck.

"Don't you think we should use the bedroom?" I said seductively and he pinned me down.

"No way I'd be doing it after someone else already had their round in that. Now stay fucking still so I can put your dick into my mouth!" I got goosebumps from his attitude and I've never thought I needed someone to dominate me.

I helped him take my pants off and he spread my legs even more. I bumped my head and he seemed to enjoy seeing my body hurt.

"You know, I always wanted to be the cause of your pain. Now my dream will be fulfilled." He provoked me while he rubbed his hand against my boner.

"And who's the cocky one here... ahh!" He did not just squish Ohm junior to take a revenge.

"It really worked, you are so sensitive, Ohm." I wanted to punch him so hard right now. No one in my life was brave enough to do this. I'm loosing my face in front of him.

"Just shut the hell up!" My hand reached his neck to slightly strangle him but he groped my groin which made me even bigger down there.

"I don't feel like giving you a head after what you said."

"Nanon, stop with the torture!" I guess he just wanted to hear me begging for his help. He pulled down my boxers and rubbed the most sensitive place on my private part.

"Tell me, Ohm. How many girls made you feel this good?" I bit my bottom lip.

"In comparison with you... I'd probably kick them out of the bed before anything could happen." He liked my answer so much that he even used his teeth during his kisses. It's usually bad but he just knew what to do with those teeth. I've never felt so good! I swear if I knew about his skills sooner, I would even force him to sleep with me.

"Would you believe me if I said it's my first time doing something like this? I haven't do this even to my chicks but don't flatter yourself too much." How can I not flatter myself with this information?

Innocent game [FirstKhaotung/GeminiFourth/OhmNanon/PondPhuwin...]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora