[2] Another plan

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Gun's POV

"Should we have another run?" Papii asked as his fingers slipped on my chest.

"I think that's enough for you, horny bastard."

"I love how you talk back to me just in the bed. It's attractive. By the way, what do you think about our mates? Should we attempt another meeting?"

I cuddled with him and thought about his question.

"I don't think it's a great idea. You know how it ended the last time."

"But you saw how it was working. Pond was finally brave enough to confess. How many of them are still left in one-sided crush?"

"Papii, shouldn't they figure this out on their own? I don't think setting them up is-."

"Ten years and nothing changed between them. We are still the only official couple. I just want to help them." I get where he was getting with this but I still think he's too proactive.

"Tell me, which game could finally get them together?"

"I guess a game Mind your own business."

"I don't know this one." I rolled my eyes.

"I've got it! Seven minutes in heaven! Alone in a narrow wardrobe... God, I'm a genius."

"Are you really sure they won't kill each other there like Ohm and Nanon?"

"Nah, there'll be too many witnesses for them to try anything. Now... how to get them into my trap- I mean the meeting."

"Start with Neo and Khaotung. They are our employees. You should add there reward as well so they have a motivation to even attend it."

"Free alcohol is not enough?"

"I think they wouldn't reject financial reward for attending. Someone like First, Neo, Chimon would definitely listen to this with their budgets." He kissed my forehead out of a sudden.

"You are a genius, Gun! That's why I love you so much! What about those spoiled brats like Perth, Ohm and Nanon?"

"With Chimon, you don't have to worry about Perth. And Ohm could want to get a revenge on Nanon. You know how he humiliated him the last time and if Ohm attends, Nanon won't be missing."

"Great, I don't even have to do anything with their relationships like this. But will alcohol be enough?" I hope he's not thinking about drugging them.

"Papii! Don't even think about something stupid!" He started laughing.

"I'm just kidding. I'm the owner of famous brand company, I can't afford to do anything funny."

"Right... I trust you." He stroked my head and got off the bed.

"Oh, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Forget it, we'll be late. Let's take something on the way." He smiled at me and I was happy we've talked out our argument after the first failed meeting.


"I've told you it was a bad idea! What if we never see them again?!" I was frustrated and yelled at Papii who was driving the car in his drunk state.

"Gun, shut it! I have to focus on the road with my blurred vision."

"Then why did you drink?! We should just call taxi and leave the car here but you-!" Suddenly we've crashed into the fence.

Papii was bleeding from his head without saying anything. I was scared, the airbags didn't stop us from hurting ourselves. I've had just a big bruise on my chest which could mean few broken ribs but...

"Papii-!! Talk to me-!! I didn't want to shout at you-!" I cried in desperation. There was no one else on the road and my phone battery already died. I quickly looked for Papii's phone and found it in his front pocket. His password... I'll try... Gun? No. Atthappan? No. Jumpol? No... I was starting to be hopeless but then the nickname he gave me when we were kids popped up in my mind. It has to be Rome... Yes! I quickly dialed the number of ambulance and then I woke up in the hospital but Papii didn't lie on the bed next to me which made me panic.
I quickly called the nurse who rushed to my room.

"What's happening?! You are already awake! I have to inform the doctor -!"

"Wai-wait! You have to stay for a while! I need to know where's my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend? Ah, so the young man who was in the car next to you was your boyfriend. He's out of the worst, now he just needs to rest."

"And... can I see him?"

"Not so quick, Loverboy! You have to wait for your doctor and then he may let you see Mr. Adulkittiporn." She winked at me and I was finally able to calm down.

When Papii was finally all right, we've talked things out.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault!" I cried on his shoulder and he stroked my head.

"If it was anyone's fault then I am the one to blame. I put you in danger and I can never forgive myself for it. Forgive me, Gun..."

It brought us even closer and we've valued each other much more. It was terrible experience but I'm glad how it settled. Papii started being much more considerate towards me and my feelings and listened more to my opinions I kept inside all the time.

End of flashback

When we came to work, both Neo and Khaotung were absent today without excusing themselves. It made their coworkers furious and when we've called them, Neo told us Khaotung overdrunk himself so he had to take care of him. They are lucky they are our friends or they'd be fired the second they would come back.

Papii was more mad about it but I stood up for them. In the end, he sent them the invitation to the next meeting in the warning letter.

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Innocent game [FirstKhaotung/GeminiFourth/OhmNanon/PondPhuwin...]Where stories live. Discover now