3/2 Winny-Satang - More than you know

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Satang's POV

I couldn't tell what Winny was planning. He said he doesn't want us to be friends and could expect I'll come so what is his reason? I didn't say anything and glared at him the whole time until the bottle turned at him.

"So? Who are you choosing, Winny?" He looked at me playfully.

"Does anyone want to choose me?" Everyone kept their distance, I did the same but then I noticed everyone backed away except me.

"I knew it. Come with me." I distrustfully looked at him.

"What are you even trying right now?! You tell me we can't even be friends and now-!" He put his hand on my mouth and led me to the other room.

"That's my bro! Show him!" I shouldn't bring him here... Winny dragged me to the closet, his grip was so strong and I was getting scared of the fact I couldn't read his next actions.

"Shouldn't we-." He didn't let me even finish next sentece and pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away!

"Stop it! I didn't give you permission!"

"Talking is banned and... this is my way of getting you back."

"Took you long enough, asshole." I played along and kissed him again. He put his hand down my pants and I moved it on my hip.

"Don't you think I'm so easy." I pushed him to his side and grabbed his waist. Then I kissed his neck and left a hickey for others to see.

"You don't hold back."

"I'll make you regret rejecting me the first time, Winny." I whispered to his ear and his hand slipped under my T-shirt, no touching my abs.

I unzipped his pants and touched the bulge in his underwear. I guess he's not lying this time, he really wants me.

"Didn't you say you are not gay? This is telling the opposite."

"If it means I'm into you, then I can be whatever you say." I couldn't hold back anymore and put my tongue into his mouth but suddenly the closet opened. It was seven minutes?!

"Ohohoho, we should give them more." Mark, not now.

"Mix, didn't you say they cut off their friendship?" P'Mix just looked at us in disbelief.

"Well, he was not lying. This doesn't look like a friendship at all." Everyone laughed at Gem's comment and I was still covering Winny's crotch.

"Why aren't you getting up, you two? We have to clear the space for another round." I did not move but P'Off pushed me away.

"Oh, I see... Well, Winny, bathroom is all yours. Let's go, guys, to the living room."

"It's getting hot and we still weren't there, Tung."

"Don't you think anything is gonna happen between us, Fir."

"Losers, I'd have five rounds in that time." Ohm said.

"That would just mean your stamina is pretty low." Nanon smirked and Ohm frowned at him.

I sneaked out to the bathroom after Winny took care of himself.

"So... are you done?"

"Yeah, it was quick when I had you in my mind." I pressed my fists.

"Does it even mean anything for you? Did you do it just to satisfy me so I would forgive you?"

"What are you even saying? All I did there was completely honest. You saw how my body reacted to you and your touches."

"That doesn't explain why you coldly cut me off. Tell my why! Why did you change your mind out of sudden?!" He looked in the mirror and leaned against the basin.

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