1/2 Fourth - Why don't you get it?

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Fourth's POV

I couldn't believe Gem is willing to play those stupid games again. When he messaged me that he's gonna join Phi Off and Phi Gun, I was shocked.

I was just a kid but now I know what they've made us do was wrong and they didn't act like our seniors at all. They were the oldest so why weren't they mature enough to not force us into anything against our will?

But on the other hand... thanks to that game I realized my feelings for Gem.


P'Phuwin: Oh, it stopped at Fourth and Gemini!

"W-what?! I-I won't do anything like this..." I said but I wasn't brave enough to say it loudly to my seniors.

Gem: Phi Gun, Phi Off, is there a way to skip our turn?

P'Off: The one who skips it will receive a punishment.

Gem bowed his head.

Gem: Then give me the punishment because Fourth doesn't look as comfortable as me.

I stayed stunned and wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"G-Gem... you don't have to do it..."

"But I don't want to see you like this." He smiled and then came closer to P'Off who slapped him.

P'Off: Are you okay, Gemini?

Phi helped him up.

Gem: Why are you helping me after the slap?

P'Off: I'm still your senior...

And since then, I have started to secretly like him.

P'Phuwin: Gemini! That was so great!

Phi Phuwin was stroking his head.

Gem: I just did the right thing.

He smiled and I already knew I'm not as special as I thought.

End of flashback

And here I am, in the room with all of the people I haven't talked to in a long time while looking for Gem.

"Fourth, you came!" He was making his way to me together with Phuwin.

"Good to know I don't wear an invisible cloak. Why's he with you?" I frowned at Phuwin and he nervously smiled.

"Huh? You know we are like twins since we've been kids..."

"That's right, or do you have any problem with it?" His face was getting closer to Gem's and I pushed him away.

"You are too close."

"Fot! I don't know this side of you!" He doesn't see how jealous I am... He was always so dense.

"I think you should talk to each other... I'm gonna say hello to Pond now." He smiled and walked away but suddenly P'Off and P'Gun came to the center and brought three bottles of champagne and glasses with them.

P'Off: The first game will just make you all loosen up. // I can see how many of you are too tense right now and we can't play games like this.
Gun, give everyone one glass of champagne.

P'Gun did as he was told and gave us one glass of champagne.

P'Off: The first game is 'Never have I ever'. // We couldn't play it as kids because our lives weren't spicy enough. I'm going to start. // Never have I ever kissed a girl.

P'Ohm, P'Nanon, P'Perth, P'Phuwin, P'Mix, P'Winny and P'Neo drank.

P'Ohm: Wait, you others really haven't kissed one?

P'Perth started laughing but stopped when he saw upset P'Chimon.

P'Off: Huh? You really broke the rules of our first game from ten years ago?!

P'Gun: It was just a game and it didn't mean anything.

P'Off: Fine, Perth, you started laughing at others so continue.

P'Perth rolled his eyes.

P'Perth: Never have I ever had sex.

Shit... Everyone besides me, Gem, P'Satang, P'Pond, P'Khaotung and P'Chimon, drank.

P'Off: Seriously, guys? // What have you been doing all these years?

He's one to talk when he has P'Gun wrapped around his finger since his teens. We, with an unappreciated crush, can just sit in the corner.

P'First: Khaotung, you too?

Phi Khaotung just looked away with an upset face. I'd like to do the same but I'm glad I'm with Gem in the same boat.

P'Off: First, now you.

P'First: Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.

I sweat. How could he say something that can ruin my friendship?! I saw that Gem drank. Everyone who didn't drink in the last round besides P'Chimon drank. Plus P'Perth and P'First. I was the last to drink and hoped Gem wouldn't notice.

P'Perth: Chimon, drink.

P'Perth lift up his glass and tried to make him drink.

P'Chimon: What are you saying?
My rule is to not have anything with my friends and my only concern is my grades right now.

P'Perth upsetly put the glass down.

P'Off: Chimon, your turn.

P'Chimon: Fine, never have I ever doubted my sexual orientation.

Everyone in the room drank.

P'Ohm: I wouldn't if Off wouldn't start it.

P'Nanon: Yeah, you were such a bad kisser back then.

P'Nanon was lucky to dodge P'Ohm's fist.

P'Off: You two are getting on my nerves. Nanon, continue.

P'Nanon: I think we should play something else because most of the questions fit on everyone. I vote for Truth or Dare to learn more interesting things.

Most of the playboys agreed but not everyone. Others started arguing while I found my way to talk to Gem.

He still looked upset.

"Hey, Gem..."

"Fot, what is it?" I put my hand behind neck.

"I... I want apologize for causing a ruckus when you were with Phi Phuwin. You are my best friend so I got a little jealous." He smiled.

"You know very well you are irreplaceable to me. Why the jealousy?" Good thing he didn't get it.

"Nothing! All good between us?" He laughed.

"I can't stay mad at you for too long. Come on, they stopped arguing so the next game's gonna start." I was happy.

" I was happy

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Innocent game [FirstKhaotung/GeminiFourth/OhmNanon/PondPhuwin...]Where stories live. Discover now