2/2 Gemini - Should I tell him or should I not?

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Gemini's POV

To be honest, Fot getting mad over me and Phuwin made me hope it's not just friendship between us but on the other side... friends get jealous over each other as well and Fot has been too fixated on me since the beginning.

I don't want to take the risk to tell him the truth about my feelings and lose him forever. Not until I'm sure about his feelings.

The next day in my dorm appeared Phuwin with a desperate look in his eyes.

"Gem, you have to help me!" I looked at him like a ghost.

"Hello to you too, Phuwin."

"Ahh, leave manners behind. I seriously need your help with something!" I moved my hand to invite him in and he smiled at me with gratitude. I'm still very confused about what's happening right now.

"So...? Why do you seem like you've just run away from a serial killer?"

"Pond has feelings for me! Can you believe it?!" I remembered the night of P'Pond's confession.

"Yes...? Was there anything to not understand?"

"Okay, fine. I'm an idiot! But I wanted to take a little test..." I raised my right eyebrow.

"What test?"

"I kissed him!" I face-palmed. He did what-?

"And how did you kiss him...?"

"Really, really, passionately. I think I love him too!" I was still way too confused.

"But... Pond doesn't believe me. He thinks I do that just out of pity and that's why I need your help! I need to convince him that my feelings for him are sincere but I need a partner for that!" This isn't something I should get myself into. But it's surprising me... they are long time friends and if P'Pond didn't take the first step, Phuwin wouldn't think more of him. They'd probably stay just friends forever.
On the other hand, it doesn't have to go so smoothly. When I was observing P'Perth and P'Chimon, P'Chimon knew about P'Perth's feelings but nothing has changed between them. Is it worth taking the risk?

"And Phuwin... how did you feel when you've learnt your best friend is in love with you?"

"Hmm... at first I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't just imagine it but it all started to make sense. Why he rejected my hugs, why he didn't answer my calls, why he avoided me at work... and when I learnt how much he had suffered, I had to overcome myself too and tried to figure out my feelings for him. Suddenly... all the moments between us that we shared made me like him much more than as a friend." So cheesy. He didn't stop blushing while telling me all this. Mutual love... that's so beautiful.

"Gem? Hello? Earth to Gemini!" He snapped his fingers and I woke up to reality.

"Are you even listening to me?" I stroked my head.

"Phuwin... if I told you-."

"You love Fourth!" I widely opened my eyes at him.

"H-how did you know?" He smirked.

"Now that I know this feeling, I became an expert." Says the most dense guy I've ever known if I don't count dumbass Winny.
Phuwin wrapped his arm around my neck and I pushed him away.

"Don't worry, as your big brother, I'll help you. But firstly, you have to help me."

"And what is even your plan?" He smirked and held his chin.

"Pond is an actor so I'd like to record an amateur video for him and you will be my actor in it." I pointed a finger at myself to make sure and he nodded. Damn, I won't get out of this.

"And... what should it be?"

"You'll be my friend who I'm telling about my feelings for my crush. You'll be saying all the negative things why we shouldn't be together and I'll be opposing all of your words."

"Okay... then write the script and-." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You know, essays are a piece of cake for me but in love I'm still a newbie. You have definitely more experience so you'll be the one writing it."

"Oi, it's your damn feelings! And P'Pond is not that dumb to think it was you writing it!"

"Fine... but write your character at least." I agreed and we've put into the work. What I wrote for my character are my fears of confessing to Fot.

"Let's rehearse it." He said.

Phuwin: I have something to tell you.

Me: What is it, my dear friend?

Phuwin: I... I fell in love with my childhood friend.

Me: But you can't do that! What if... what if you lose him forever?!

Phuwin: It's too late for that, brother. I already confessed to him and he kissed me at that moment...
Does that mean he likes me too?

Me: He may just feel guilty for not noticing...

Phuwin: I thought that too at first but what if he really likes me too?
Should I give him a chance?

Me: And if you started dating, not everyone would accept you!
You are famous, ni, you shouldn't risk it!

Phuwin: So should I let my heart suffer just for others' comfort?
I deserve to be happy as well!

The last line got too deep into my heart.

"Ahh! That was great, Gem! Now without a script if you remember it! Gem?" I shook my head.

"Let's do it! And thank you, Phuwin, you've made me realize something." He looked at me dumbfounded but he's still the one who gave me the courage I needed.

We were done with the short scene and Phuwin was surprisingly a great actor but he must have learnt it from P'Pond.

Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow I'm going to confess to Fot!

 Tomorrow I'm going to confess to Fot!

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