3/3 First-Khaotung - Nothing can stop us now

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Khaotung's POV

When the bottle stopped at First, I was excited but nervous at the same time. He can choose whoever he wants, even P'Mix so my confidence wasn't as big as before.

"Who do you want, First?" It's here, P'Gun's question.

"Isn't it obvious?" He looked at me and back at him.

"No, it's not. Just say it." They should stop teasing him. It's embarrassing...

He grabbed my hand and raised it.

"Khaotung is my only answer. Sorry, Mix."

"No hard feelings, just do your job." They laughed and I still couldn't believe how quickly it changed. First can be friends with P'Mix and his eyes belong to me only. My dream has been fulfilled after so many years.

"Come." I signaled with my lips without telling.

"After you." He did the same and left others in questions.

"How can they understand each other like this? Telepathy?" P'Mark asked.

"It's just their way, I've been a witness of this whenever they do it in my place!" P'Mix made it worse now.

Before I made a step into the closet, Fir stopped me and took off his jacket which he put over the clothes there.

"God knows what those two did here, I wouldn't let you sit on those dirty clothes." I smiled and nodded and then we sat in the cramped space. We didn't do anything for a while and I was feeling nervous again.

"Won't we..."

"Only if it's okay with you. You said nothing will happen between us so-" I shut his mouth with a kiss.

"Because you were too overconfident..." I whispered to his ear and he put me on his lap. It was very uncomfortable but it felt so good.  He grabbed my cheek and gently kissed me while the points of our noses kept touching. Then he even used his tongue and stuck it into my throat. I pulled out for air and still had the need to ask: "Are you really sure about all this? We kissed just once..."

"What? Haven't I convinced you yet?" He started tickling me and I burst out laughing.

"We'll be punished this way, stop, haha!" 

"Then say this, First Kanaphan is my boyfriend, say it!"

"F-First Kanaphan is my boyfriend, enough?"

"And you know what this word means, Tung. You are the owner of my heart and it's not some rhyme, it's real." I blushed but luckily he couldn't see it.

"I know we'll be punished but I need to tell you this. When Neo shamelessly kicked me out, I visited Mix and found him having his way with his boyfriend. I was mad but because he didn't tell me his identity, it hurt that he still couldn't trust me but in the end, I was glad I actually felt happy for him."

"And why are you telling me this?" He stroked my hair.

"Because you healed me, Tung. I've struggled so much for many years and you were the only one to get me out of it. You don't know how grateful I am for your second chance." The confidence I lacked boosted so quickly that I couldn't wait any longer and pulled out his shirt.

"W-wait... I didn't say all this to..."

"Shush, our seven minutes will be wasted." He stopped talking and just enjoyed the moment. I went with the flow and kissed his chest under his T-shirt. My lips were aiming lower and lower but he stopped me when I unbottoned his pants.

"We don't have the time for that..."

"Are you scared?" He bit his bottom lip and pulled my head down to his crotch but the closet has been opened at the moment.

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