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Season 5 Episode 5 "Don't It Just Break Your Heart"

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Season 5 Episode 5 "Don't It Just Break Your Heart"

Watching as Freya and Hope talk to each other and have fun was refreshing for Luke. No one was trying to kill his family and everything was normal. "Let's see what you both can do?", questioned Freya as Luke got out of his thoughts.

Hope and Luke look at each other, while the oldest twin jumped on some boxes and grabbed ahold of a metal pole. She landed on the second floor platform, while Luke jumped were Hope was using his werewolf side, while his eyes flashed gold.

The twins smiled at each other as Hope hopped down next to Freya and Luke jumped down, while doing a flip. He landed on his feet behind Freya and questioned, "What do you think?", as Freya and Hope turn to Luke.

Freya answered, proudly, "I wish I had the core muscles, like yours".

Luke turned to Hope as she replied, "And that is nothing compared to what I will be able to do once I trigger my werewolf side", very excited to see what happens when she is a wolf.

"Yeah...has your mom ever talked to you about turning?", asked Freya nervously to Hope.

"I little. And I have friends. I mean the whole killing a human part sounds kind of rough but...", started Hope. The youngest twin got into his thoughts and thought about the guy he killed when he was only twelve years old.

He always thought that he would never kill a human, but the moment he saw his father kill someone without a care in the world. Luke did not care if he got in trouble or killed someone. "What about breaking every bone in your body. You know when your mom talked to me about it. When she really described it, it sounded worse than anything I could imagine...", started Freya as her nephew got out of his thoughts.

He quickly informed, "It's hell at first, but after...it's just a relief". He felt proud that he gets to feel some sort of relief in his chaotic life.

"Anyways it's not what she wanted for you......both of you", finished Freya as she looked at Hope and Luke.

The twins looked concerned and confused, while Hope corrected, "Wants". Freya looked at them bewildered and Luke explained, "This is not what she wants for us".

"That's what I meant", replied Freya. The twins eyed each other and back Freya.


Laying on his favorite place in his room, his nook, that is right next to the window to see the sun glisten against the trees when he heard a window open from the other side of the room. Luke stood up and grabbed his knife, that was in his boot.

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