5| Bayou

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Season 4 Episode 4 "I Hear You Knocking"

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Season 4 Episode 4 "I Hear You Knocking"

Walking through the bayou with Hayley and Elijah, when Hope walked ahead of them and Luke quickly followed her. She was collecting flowers and Luke was just looking at her. "You could help, you know", says Hope, looking up at Luke has he had his hands in his pockets.

"No, thank you", says Luke with a straight face and walked up to the house, and Hope followed behind still collecting flowers.

He knocked on the door, when Hope pace to the door as well. Elijah and Hayley look at Mary open the door and the twins greeted her, "Grandma Mary!".

"Well hello", greeted Grandma Mary, while she kneeled and hugged them, and also said, "Oh, my sweethearts".

"I picked you some flowers", replied Hope being so sweet and showing her the flowers, while Luke nodded.

Mary looked up to see Uncle Elijah, and she had a disappointment look on her face, Luke looked behind to see Hayley and Elijah to have the same look on their face."Why don't you two run on inside. I need to talk to your mama", says Mary as Luke turned back to Mary. Luke and Hope smiled and walked inside.

Hope sat down at a desk and took out papers to draw, while Luke climbed up onto the couch, and peaked out the window, to see, Hayley and Elijah conversation with Mary.

Luke couldn't hear the conversation, but he could see body language, and everyone's body was tense, and awkward.

Hope looked up from her drawing, and saw Luke. She said, "What are you doing?".

"I want to know what they are talking about", says Luke still looking out the window. Hope looked at him weird, and continued drawing. After watching them for a while, Elijah left and Luke quickly became bored.

He was hanging upset down from the couch, when Hope looked at him, "You okay?".

"I am bored", replied Luke, as he sat on the couch normally.

Hope rolled her eyes and said, "We only been here for four minutes". Luke sighed and walked over to Hope, "Let's explore the bayou".

"I don't think Mom would let us. This is a new place for us", explained Hope, and Luke rolled his eyes.

He smirked and said, "Well, you don't have my face. No one can say NO to me", as he pouts cutesy and Hope shrugged her shoulders, while continuing to draw. Luke walked outside and interrupted Hayley and Mary, "Mom, can I explore the bayou?".

"No", apologized Hayley and Luke was about to rebuttal, but Hayley made the 'Mom' face and Luke went inside upset.

"She said no. Didn't she?", asked Hope, smiling as she looked at her twin brother. Luke nodded and joined Hope into drawing at the at table.

Hope stopped drawing, and looked toward Luke, and asked, "Luke?".

He looked up from his drawing of a serpent and said, "Yeah?". Hope was sitting in front of Luke and asked, "Do you think everything will be fine?".

Luke smiled at her, and grabbed her hand from across the table and replied, "Of course, our family is strongest in the world, and will protect us. Always and forever, remember?", as he let go of Hope's hand.

Hope smiled and said, "I love you Luke".

"I know......Oh, I love you too, Hope. Always and forever", says Luke.

"Always and forever", says Hope. Luke and Hope continued to draw.

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